At ISCO’s 2010 Annual General Meeting, held in London last week, Mr Li Guobin (Member of ISCO Council representing China) and Mr Simon Rickaby (Representative of Corporate Member Braemar Howells Ltd.) were elected to the Executive Committee of ISCO.


Upon his election to the Committee, Mr Li Guobin spoke in support of ISCO’s work and its relevance in China at a time when new legislation is giving added impetus to the raising of professional standards in spill response. He looks forward to making a significant contribution to the work of the organisation and to building ISCO membership in China. Due to injuries sustained while overseas, Mr Simon Rickaby was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting. All present expressed their sympathy and wished him a speedy recovery.


On completion of the business part of the meeting, the ongoing response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was discussed at length. Mr David Usher, in his capacity as President of ISCO, has been greatly in demand by CNN, NBC and other media networks as an expert commentator. There has also been an excellent international response from members and others offering technical and other support to members of the Unified Command team.


For the very first time at an ISCO meeting, use was made of an audio link to enable members in other countries to join in the meeting via the internet.


Minutes of the meeting will be circulated to members in the near future.


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