This week the ISCO Newsletter welcomed new readers – members of the DG & Hazmat Group, who responded to a message to the DG & Hazmat Group forum in which the ISCO Newsletter was given a mention. The DG & Hazmat Group has been an Associate Member of ISCO since 2006.


The free newsletter published by Don Johnston of the DG & Hazmat Group is one of the best sources of world-wide news on oil /chemical spills and related events. It comes out every few days and contains about 20 pages, mainly incident reports, often accompanied by dramatic colour photos and video links. How do interested parties become members? – It’s pretty easy, there are two ways this can be done, and the simplest is to send a blank email to: [email protected]. Alternatively, visit the Group’s Home Page at:


http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/DangerousGoods/ and click on the icon “Join this Group”.


ISCO is delighted that members of the DG & Hazmat Group have joined the increasing number of people on the ISCO Newsletter mailing list, helping us to make progress towards our target of 10,000 readers worldwide.


If you find the Newsletter interesting and useful, think of friends and colleagues who would like to join our readers. Just click on  


http://www.spillcontrol.org and then on “Click Here to join our Mailing List”


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