There are still many countries that are not represented on the ISCO Council and ISCO is looking for individuals willing to serve on the Council.

The ISCO Council is composed of the appointed National Representatives of each country in which there are one or more Members of ISCO. The ISCO Council acts as an advisory and consultative body, assisting the Executive Committee on policy, new initiatives and other matters.


Countries and their representatives at this time are –


 AUSTRALIA   MrJohn Wardrop

 AZERBAIJAN   Mr Namig Gandilov

 BRAZIL   Capt. Bill Boyle

 CANADA   Dr Merv Fingas

 CHINA (Hong Kong)  Capt. Davy T. S. Lau

 CHINA (Mainland)  Mr Guobin Li

 CROATIA   Mr Darko Domovic

 EGYPT   Eng. Ashraf Sabet

 ESTONIA   Mr Torbjörn Hedrenius

 FAROE ISLANDS  Mr Pauli Einarsson

 GREECE   Prof. Harilaos  N. Psaraftis

 ISRAEL   Mr Dan Arbel

 KENYA   Mr Sanjay Gandhi

 LUXEMBOURG  Mr Joseph Braun

 NIGERIA   Chief Kola Agboke

 NORWAY   Mr Jan Allers

 SINGAPORE   Capt. Chris Richards

 SOUTH AFRICA  Mr Anton Moldan

 UAE    Dr Ali Saeed Al Ameri

 UK    Mr Kevin Miller

 USA    Dr Manik Sardessai


Countries in which members are not yet represented on the ISCO Council include  –




And in the many other countries in which ISCO does not yet have any members, there is an opportunity to become the first member in your country by joining ISCO and to submit your name for consideration as a possible Member of ISCO Council.


Any Member interested in serving on the ISCO Council should submit his/her name. Alternatively, you may recommend another person as a suitable candidate for consideration if he/she is willing to become a member and serve on the Council.


Persons wishing to be considered as members of ISCO Council should live in the country they wish to represent and should submit a short CV by email to the Secretary at [email protected]  together with a short note describing what you feel you can do to support ISCO in achieving its objectives.


Members of Council act as the primary point of contact between the membership in each country and the Executive Committee, providing support in facilitating communications between ISCO and government ministries or agencies, and other national authorities, institutions or bodies in the countries represented. They encourage the formation of national (or regional) associations which bring together individual professionals, companies and other entities involved in spill control in their countries, as a means of raising levels of co-operation, knowledge and competence, facilitating sector recognition and creating channels of communication with governments. They are expected to promote ISCO’s objectives and encourage growth of ISCO membership in their countries, organising local meetings of members and supporting ISCO initiatives in the countries represented.

If you would like to have more information about ISCO’s objectives and the ISCO Council send an email to [email protected]

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