Please note –


• The deadline for receiving completed applications to be included in the first tranche of applications to be assessed is 31/12/12

• The Membership Standards Committee is not expected to complete work on the assessment of these applications before this date.

• You will be advised early in the New Year on the recommendations made by the Membership Standards Committee.

• If any parts of the submitted form are not completed and/or signed where required, and if required attachments are missing, you will be asked to remedy omission/s. This may result in delay in the assessment of your application.

• Prepayment of the required Assessment Fee is required before applications are assessed by the Membership Standards Committee. You can enclose a cheque with your application or pay by credit/debit card using the secure facility on the ISCO website. In order to pay by bank transfer of funds, please contact the ISCO secretary.





If you have not yet submitted your application –

• Because original signatures and initials are required, you will have to send your completed application and supporting documents by post to the ISCO Secretariat at Balbithan House, Kintore, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire AB51 9UQ, UK.


• You should be aware that postal deliveries can take a few days. To avoid missing the deadline, please send as soon as possible.


If you are successful in your application –

• You will be notified of the grade of Professional Membership awarded to you by the organization

• You will receive a Certificate of Professional Membership confirming the award and grade of membership awarded.

• Depending on the grade of membership awarded, you will be entitled to use the letters A.M.I.S.C.O. or M.I.S.C.O. or F.I.S.C.O after your name to indicate your professional status.

• You will be able to enjoy all of the benefits of being a Professional Member of ISCO


Students / Apprentices / Trainees –

• No Assessment Fee is required

• You should use the Professional Membership Application Form which can be downloaded from the ISCO website but need only complete part 1 (Personal Details), part 7 (Declaration) and part 9 (Preferred user name and password).

• If you are being sponsored by your employer, he/she should provide a covering letter confirming that you are a student / apprentice / trainee in his/her employment.

• If you are applying on your own behalf please attach a covering letter giving details of your course of studies, apprenticeship or trainee status. You will not be required to pay the annual Student Membership Fee until your membership of ISCO has been formalised.

• You should regard Student Membership as a first step in your professional development and aim to achieve higher grades of Professional Membership as you gain knowledge, experience and qualifications.


Obligations and Conditions

• All Professional Members of ISCO are required to abide by the ISCO Code of Professional Conduct and other Rules and Regulations of the Organization.

• These and other relevant information and procedures can be accessed on the ISCO website.

• Failure to comply with these requirements may result in loss of membership benefits and removal from the Roll of Members.


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