This year it will be 30 years since David Usher and John McMurtrie first discussed the formation of ISCO during the International Oil Spill Conference held at San Antonio in Texas in 1983. With the launch of ISCO’s Professional Recognition initiative the Membership Committee has recommended that it would be appropriate to recognise the anniversary of this historic event in the first awards of honorary fellowship of ISCO. It has also been recommended that the unstinting support and active contribution made over many years by Rear Admiral M. L. Stacey CB, Marc Shaye and Dan Sheehan be similarly recognised.  Also, with the introduction of the new classes of ISCO Membership, existing Honorary Members of ISCO have become Honorary Fellows (Hon.FISCO)



Following on completion of assessment by the Membership Standards Committee, we are also pleased to announce election of new Fellows (FISCO), Members (MISCO) and Associate Members (AMISCO). We also welcome a number of new Corporate Members, Industry Partners and Individual Members who have recently joined the organization.


Honorary Fellows (Hon.FISCO)

Mr David Usher (USA)

Mr John McMurtrie (UK)

Rear Admiral M.L. Stacey, CB. (UK)

Mr Marc Shaye (USA)

Mr Dan Sheehan (USA)

Dr Douglas Cormack (UK)

Dr Wierd Koops (The Netherlands)

Mr Duncan Lyon (UK)


Fellows (FISCO)

Mr Jan Allers (Norway)

Captain Bill Boyle MNI (UK)

Mr John Østergaard (Sweden)

Mr Simon Rickaby (UK)


Members (MISCO)

Mr Nick Bailey (UK)

Mr William E. Baird (USA)

Mr Steve Guy (UK)

Mr Tony Harmer (UK)

Mr Carlos Sagrera (Uruguay)

Mr Simon Valentine (UK)


Associate Member (AMISCO)

Mr Nelson Sunday (Nigeria)


New Corporate Members

Chukar Waterjet, Inc. (USA)

Sintac-Polska Sp. z.o.o. (Poland)


New Industry Partner

Varichem de Colombia (Colombia)


New Individual Members

Mr Paul van Gastel (Belgium)

Mr Jaime Hernandez (Mexico)

Mr Osvaldo Nogueira (Brazil)

Mr Ilidio Franco Santos (Portugal)


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