Industry Partners


ADNOC Onshore

Based in the UAE, ADNOC Onshore is the leading onshore producer within the ADNOC Group, producing 1.6 million barrels of oil and 5.6 billion cubic feet of gas per day.

Adriatic Training and Research Centre (ATRAC)

ATRAC’s key role is to provide training and education to the personnel from all Adriatic countries in all matters related to oil spill preparedness and response. In the scope of our activities, ATRAC’s main goal is to improve cross-border cooperation and communication, so as to prevent the risk of oil spills and manage the crisis situation resulting in marine pollution. ATRAC’s key role is to provide training and education to the personnel from all Adriatic countries in all matters related to oil spill preparedness and response. In the scope of our activities, ATRAC’s main goal is to improve cross-border cooperation and communication, so as to prevent the risk of oil spills and manage the crisis situation resulting in marine pollution.

Centre de Documentation de Reserche et d’Experimentation sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux (CEDRE)

 Cedre’s  vocation  is  to  provide  advice  and  expertise  to  spill  response  decision-makers.  This  mission  covers  both  marine  and  inland  waters, and involves all types of pollutants (oil, HNS, marine litter etc.). Cedre is constantly building on its knowledge and  developing  new  tools  to  accomplish  its  various missions. Cedre’s  services  and  expertise  can  be  provided  to  French  or  foreign  authorities  as  well  as to private organisations:

Assistance 24/7, Training, Contingency Planning, Research, Analysis and Testing, Information
Cedre  is a  not-for-profit  association  founded on the 25th of January 1979 as part of the measures taken in  the  wake  of  the  Amoco Cadiz oil spill.

DG & Hazmat Group

International Spill Accreditation Association (ISAA)

ISAA is the world authority for accreditation of spill response organizations (SROs) and is dedicated to the raising of worldwide standards in spill response. As a not-for-profit NGO, ISAA sets international standards for spill response in all areas including inland and marine spills. Accreditation is not only applicable to privately owned spill contractors but can also be used by governments and others for independently checking their own response capabilities.


Intertanko’s members are independent tanker owners and operators of oil and chemical tankers, i.e. non-oil companies and non-state controlled tanker owners, who fulfil the Association’s membership criteria. Independent owners operate some 80% of the world’s tanker fleet and the vast majority are INTERTANKO members. As of January 2011, the organisation had 250 members, whose combined fleet comprises some 3,350 tankers totalling 285 million dwt. INTERTANKO’s associate membership stands at some 320 companies with an interest in shipping of oil and chemicals.
INTERTANKO is a forum where the industry meets, policies are discussed and statements are created. It is a valuable source of first-hand information, opinions and guidance. INTERTANKO has a vision of a professional, efficient and respected industry, that is dedicated to achieving safe transport, cleaner seas and free competition.

Mediterranean Oil Industry Group (MOIG)

The Mediterranean Oil Industry Group (MOIG) serves as a regional oil industry forum on oil spill prevention, preparedness and response for the Mediterranean region to ensure industry coordination in the event of an oil spill in the Mediterranean Sea. MOIG is made up of a network of industry experts on oil spill response.


The Ohmsett test tank allows testing of full-scale equipment. The tank’s wave generator creates realistic sea environments, while state-of-the-art data collection and video systems record test results. Our facility has proven to be ideal for testing equipment, evaluating acquisition options, and validating research findings.Government agencies, academia, public and private companies use Ohmsett as a research center to test oil spill containment/clean-up equipment and techniques, to test new designs in response equipment, and to conduct training with actual oil spill response technologies.

Scottish Environmental Technology Network (SETN)

The Scottish Environmental Technology Network (SETN) aims to improve the competitiveness of Scottish SMEs in the environmental sector including areas such as contaminated land assessment & remediation, waste management, resource recovery, water and wastewater treatment, sustainable urban drainage systems and environmental management. SETN was founded and is led by the Contaminated Land Assessment &

The Sea Alarm Foundation

The Sea Alarm Foundation is an initiative by individuals and organisations involved in spills where birds and mammals became oiled. It was generally felt that lessons from passed spills should be learned. Under the umbrella of Sea Alarm constructive steps have been taken to involve those parties with a degree of responsibility during oil spills (including wildlife responders, relevant government agencies, international government and non-governmental organisations [NGOs], and leading parties in industry) in a setting up a strategic programme of action. It is in dialogue with all these parties that Sea Alarm has taken the role of facilitator to improve the state of preparedness throughout Europe. Results from Sea Alarm’s work are increasingly applicable on a global scale.

UK Spill Ltd.

The UK Spill Association (UK Spill) represents companies, organisations and individuals working in the oil spill control industry in the UK and is recognised by the UK Environmental and Maritime Regulators as the national industry body for the commercial and related interests of the industry.

The University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India


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