Program Speakers/Presenters

International Forum on Group V Heavy Oils

September 9-10, 2014

Detroit, Mi

Preliminary Program: Below is a partial list of presentations that have been processed to date. 

Title: API Study on Detection and Recovery of Sunken Oil

Authors: Jacqueline Michel, Research Planning, Inc., Mark Ploen, QualiTech, Inc.

Presenter: Jacqueline Michel, Research Planning, Inc.

Title: Lessons Learned from Marshall, MI –  Activation of the Necessary Response Components for Sinking Oil

Presenter: Ralph Dollhoph, USEPA FOSC

Title: NRDA Considerations for Release of Dilbit and Bitumin Products into the Environment.Presenter: Jessica Winter, NOAA

Authors: Jessica Winter-NOAA , Bob Hadad-NOAA

Presenter: Jessica Winter-NOAA

Title: Fast Attack Spill Response For Diluted Bitumen & Bakken Shale Oil 

Presenter: John Brinkman, Pres. & CEO Imbibitive Technologies.

Title: Canadian Case Studies, Response techniques used in 2013 for submerged oil recovery in the Chaudière River  of a Bakken Formation Crude oil.Response techniques used in 2005 and 2006 for the submerged oil recovery in Lake Wabamun Bunker C oil. 

Presenter: Mark Brown, ECRC Manager Great Lakes Region

Title: Diver Safety and Production when working with Submerged Oil Recovery

Presenter: David DeVilbiss, Vice President, Global Diving Services

Title: Prospective Shipping of Heavy Oils: USCG 9th District Perspective

Presenter: Jerry Popiel, USCG 9th District Incident Management Advisor

Title: Sunken Oil Recovery Systems: FOSC Recommendations 

Presenter: Kurt A. Hansen,​ U.S. Coast Guard R&D Center

Title: Properties and Behavior of Dilbits and Bitumen

Presenter: Merv Fingas, Spill Science

Title: Case Study: DBL 152 Detection Methods, RecoveryTechniques, Response Measures Considered and Adapted, End Point Clean Up Determination and Resource Trustee Cooperatio

Presenter:Steve Lehmann, NOAA 

Title: Canadian Oil Sands Preparedness: Adapting Existing Response Capabilities

Presenter: Lt. Sarah Booth, USCG Industry and Interagency Coordination

Title: Changing Legal Landscape Because of Spills of Group V Oils  ​​​

Presenter: Marc K. Shaye, Attorney at Law

Title: European Perspective: Study of Behavior of Bitumen and Emulsified Bitumen when Released into Water

Presenter: Dr. Ronan Jezequel,  Cedre Research Department-Breast, France

Title: Salvage Marine Firefighting (SMFF) Regulations Perspective and Recent Advances in Detection, Containment and Recovery Techniques for Submerged Oil

Presenter: Jim Elliot, Vice President T&T Marine Salvage

Partial List of Additional Speakers/Presenters:

Senator Carl Levin, US Senate – Opening Remarks



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