Over the last three months ISCO has welcomed several new members.
New Corporate members are National Response Corporation (USA), Clean Sea S.A. (Argentina), Antipollution Environmental Pollution Services (Greece), Marine Pollution Services Ltd. (Israel) and Ocean Pollution Control S.A. (Panama)
New Individual Members are Mr Abduljabbar Saifaldeen (Qatar), Mr Scott-Andrew Smith (Australia), Dr Esra Billur Balcioglu (Turkey), and Mrs Nicole Franks (USA) 

Captain Ahmed Mostafa Fahmy (Egypt) was elected as a new Professional Member (MISCO)

Update 20th October 2017 – Additional new members –

Additional new Corporate Members are Oil Spill Response Ltd. (OSRL), Enviroguard Solutions LLP (India) and Canberra & Regions Oil Industry Emergency Response Group (CROIEG)



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