By now all members should have received all of the above by email. If you have not received these papers, please let me know immediately. [email protected]
Reminder: The ISCO 2019 AGM will take place at 1815 hrs. on Monday 28th October at the Clean Gulf Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. There will be signposting to help you find the meeting room. If you are planning to be there, please let me know. If you can’t come, please use the proxy voting form to cast your votes.
ISCO President David Usher, Secretary Matthew Sommerville and VP (Membership) Mary Ann Dalgleish will be in attendance. They will also be looking forward to seeing you at the ISCO booth, No. 122, in the Exhibition Hall where you can try your luck in our traditional draw for a bottle of fine Scottish Malt Whisky.
ISCO was incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation in London on the 9th October 1984 and will be celebrating its 35th Anniversary next week.