Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the AGM to be held during the Clean Gulf Conference in New Orleans had to be postponed.

Members have been advised and the 2019 AGM is now being carried out by exchange of email.

The Secretariat has determined that the postponed AGM can be carried out before the year-end by email. ISCO recognises that holding an AGM by email is not a good substitute for a face-to-face meeting of Members but under the circumstances and time limitation there is no other option. The unusual procedure will be something of an experiment and it is hoped that a good response will result. One upside is that Members who would not have been able to attend an AGM held at a remote location will be able to make their own comments on the agenda items by email and these will be circulated to members in advance of voting.

Looking forwards, our aim will be to retain the traditional AGM format wherever possible but within a revised constitution we would like to include an option to hold an AGM by email if it is not possible to follow our usual practice.

The proposed motions to be voted on remain unchanged apart from an additional Proposal 9 to allow the holding of an AGM by email if this becomes necessary in future.

For more info please visit

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