Our next Zoom Meeting will be on Thursday 25th March at 1500 EDT and 1900 GMT or Friday 26th March at 0600 AEDT (or the equivalent date and time in your own region). Note: Around this time some regions may be changing to Daylight Saving Time, so please double check to make sure you have the correct time for your area – The meeting is being hosted in Detroit and the actual time of the meeting will be 1500 EDT.
Link for joining our Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89957845921 Meeting ID: 899 5784 5921
The meeting will last for approximately one hour and will be hosted by ISCO VP(Membership) Mary Ann Dalgleish.
The Agenda is not fixed but S-G Neil Marson will speak about the new Ambassadors Initiative. Other topics will include the new sharing platform for the “Way Forward” Volunteer Group and progress made since our February meeting.