June 25 – 15 June 2021, the training course on “Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOS)”; was held at Iberostar Averroes Hotel in South Hammamet-Tunisia in cooperation with the National Agency of Environment Protection (ANPE). The training was animated by Samir Khedhira, General Controller Expert and REMPEC Focal Point; from ANPE. The event gathered 23 delegates from ANPE, EAM, SAROST, SEREPT, STIR, STU, TRAPSA, TOPIC and TPS. The training agenda included an introduction of West MOPoCo project and RETOS tool, the accompanying manual ARPEL and the International Guide for Oil Spill Response Planning and Readiness
Assessments (IOSC 2008), presentation of SEREPT Oil Spill Contingency Plan, gap analysis and recommendations.

On 16-17 June 2021, the regional workshop on Oil Spill Waste Management was held remotely at Iberostar Averroes Hotel in South Hammamet-Tunisia; in cooperation with the Center of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Cedre) and the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC). This workshop was animated by Arnaud Guéna, Deputy Director and Production Manager from Cedre, Malek Smaoui, Programmer Officer (OPRC 90) and Phyllis Therdros; Junior Programme Officer (VIS) from REMPEC. The event gathered 32 delegates from MOIG members and relevant Tunisian stakeholders such as: ANPE, Security Directorate, EAM, ENI TUNISIA, ETAP, General Secretariat of Marine Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Logistics, ONPC, SAROST, SEREPT, STIR, STU, TRAPSA, TOPIC and TPS.

The main objectives of this workshop were to know the use the available tools in REMPEC on oil spill waste management, to be informed on the National and Regional context related to waste management following the conclusions and recommendations of the last workshop held in Tunis, to learn about waste management methods, to understand the logistic chain of waste management to implement in the event of pollution, to get an idea about the cost of waste disposal for the various treatment options and to practice the implementation of waste management plan through practical works.

The first day of the workshop included oral presentations hinging around Regulatory and institutional framework, waste management guide and tools, reminder on POSOW 1&2 projects and waste module, definition and description of wastes, minimization of waste quantities, sorting at source and primary storage and Transport of wastes. The second day was dedicated to topics related to temporary storage, treatment and disposal and presentation of concrete case in Lebanon and France. In addition, participants afforded the opportunity to simulate five oil spill waste management scenarios happened in the rocks, beach, bay, Mangroves and beach. At the end of the workshop, certificates were awarded to participants by MOIG chairman on behalf of Cedre and REMPEC representatives for the completion of the Regional workshop on oil spill waste management.

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