ISCO is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Elkhan Mamedov as the new Member of ISCO Council for Azerbaijan. Elkhan has 25 years of experience in oil spill response in the Caspian Region. He joined the Briggs Environmental team in 1996 and gained experience in spill response, leadership, training, and logistics management.  Since 2003 he  has been Deputy Manager of the Baku Oil Spill Response Base responsible for national and international Offshore, Shoreline and Onshore Spills Management and Operations. He has also acted as an oil spill advisory specialist for various global oil and gas companies.

ISCO thanks Osman Tarzumanov, former Oil Spill Lead Advisor, Crisis, Continuity Management and Emergency Response for BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Ltd. for his service as Member of ISCO Council for Azerbaijan. Osman has relocated to Moscow and has consequently stood down from this position.

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