Welcome to Professional Members

Congratulations on your award of Professional Membership

If you have not already paid your first year’s subscription, you will shortly receive an invoice. Payment instructions are detailed on the invoice which is due for payment within thirty days. You can set up your own account on the website by clicking on this link.

Your Membership Certificate will be prepared and sent to you via air mail once your membership has been received.

As a Member of ISCO, you will be able to access the Members’ Area of the ISCO website. 

Once you complete the form on this page your user profile will be set up and you will then be able to log into the website and access the members’ area. The website log-in button is located at the top of the home page www.spillcontrol.org

Your name will be added to the list of Members and you are invited to provide a few words about yourself / your organisation by way of an introduction to other Members.

You will receive ISCO’s weekly Newsletter which I hope you will find useful and interesting. Please remember to let me know if your email address changes in order that the mailing list can be kept up-to-date.

I look forward to your participation in the activities of the Organisation and hope you find your membership will be of real benefit in your professional and business life.

With best wishes,

John McMurtrie

pp. ISCO Secretariat 

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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