ISCO-OceanPact Brazil International Seminar – Maritime Pollution and 21st Century Oil Spills

“Lessons Learned for Brazil & Latin America Preparedness, Response and Crisis Management – Cases Studies”

With the initial initiative and the international support of ISCO experts, the local organization of the ISCO Corporate Member OceanPact, this Case Study Seminar will be held on October 27, 2023 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The Program includes three recent specific important cases from this third decade of the 21st century and which are considered to have been paradigmatic due to their causes and consequences, not only in terms of environmental impacts, but also in legal, technical and economic aspects:

Case Study 1.- The Volcano, Tsunami and the Refineria La Pampilla & Mare Doricum Tanker, Peru 202

(Spanish Translation)

(Portuguese Translation)

Case Study 2.- VLFSO, Covid 19 and Crisis Management & Bulk Carrier Wakashio, Mauritius 2021

(Spanish Translation)

(Portuguese Translation)

Case Study 3.- VLFSO, Scuttled Validation, MV Stellar Banner, Brazil 2020



The theme and characteristics of the Seminar are a novelty for Latin America, which does not have regularity and with this type of approaches with the industry in cases of incidents and oil spills. Unlike other international industry events (IOSC, Interspill, Clean Gulf, etc.) at this ISCO-OceanPact Seminar, longer presentations will be made in order to be able to deal with the cases in greater depth. In all cases, these are experts who have directly participated in the operations and advising authorities, which will allow them to be viewed in all their implications. Organizations such as CEDRE (2 Speakers) and ITOPF (Speaker to be designated) have confirmed their participation as speakers, as well as the initial interest of IMO and perhaps an eventual participation, conditioned by its priority operations with the FSO SAFER in Yemen, which could coincide in their dates with the Seminar. 

ISCO Representative Carlos Sagrera & OceanPact Staff Erik Cunha, Anna Gomide, Marcelo Cortes, Bernardo Assis, Joao Serra at Clean Gulf – New Orleans, October 2022

The idea of the event arises from the meeting in the last Clean Gulf (New Orleans, October 2023) of ISCO (Carlos Sagrera, Spanish Speaking Latin America ISCO Representative – Dr. Larissa Montas and Helena Rowland in charge of Stand ISCO) and Flavio P. de Andrade (CEO of OceanPact) and member of the ISCO Council representing Brazil, together with the OceanPact Staff (Erik Cunha – Bernardo Assis – Marcelo Cortes – Joao Serra – Anna Gomide). It was observed there that some of the last major oil spill events in the world involved tankers and bulk cargo ships with origin and destination in Brazil and that there were no international events for the oil and maritime community in Latin America in which these incidents could be reviewed objectively and with the participation of actors from organizations directly involved in investigations and support for authorities and companies involved in spill incidents. Given this circumstance, ISCO presented the possibility that some of its members and professionals with direct activity in these incidents could present the different cases chosen and also manage the participation of some of the main world organizations with recognized activity in our sector. The final result was the organization of the Seminar with the three selected cases and the attached Program, which is being adjusted as the international Speakers and the organizations represented at the Brazilian level are confirmed. Local Brazilian experts from Vale ( and Aiuka ( have confirmed their participation as Speakers and other interventions and qualified assistance from environmental, maritime and Brazilian oil industry authorities are expected.

OceanPact CEO Flavio P. de Andrade & ISCO Latin America (Spanish) Representative Carlos Sagrera at Clean Gulf – New Orleans, October 2022

The initial location of the event has been scheduled in the main auditorium of the OceanPact company (Rua da Glória, 122 – Auditório térreo (ground floor – Glória, Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil) and is expected an important local attendance of the industry and the Brazilian authorities is expected, as well as a specialized Latin American specialized public, since in the previous days (October 24 to 26) the OTC Brazil will take place in Rio de Janeiro ( /). See Program in English on ISCO website (

For more general information about the Seminar: Portuguese Brazil – Bernardo Assis ([email protected]). Tel. +55 21 98893-8011; English – Matthew Sommerville ([email protected]). Tel. +44 7834 556989; Spanish Latin America – Carlos Sagrera ([email protected]). Tel. +598 91 230654.- Focal point of the organization: Anna Gomide ([email protected]). Tel. + 55 21 3950-7544 – + 55 21 98864-3194. Open Forms for Interested in

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