ALGA: PCBs vs Dioxan-like Compounds – What do I need to know?
WEBINAR PCBs vs Dioxin-like Compounds – What Do I Need to Know?
WEBINAR: Thursday, 12 May, 2022
You are invited to our next webinar on Thursday, 12 May, 2022.
Manufactured chemicals and industrial by-products present challenges for professionals working on contaminated land projects. The range of compounds, behaviours and effects requires tailored approaches to identification and interpretation. One of those chemical groups is polychlorinated biphenyls. This group includes dioxin-like compounds which require special consideration, but that may not be clear in the NEPM. This webinar will outline the ins and outs of these chemicals, the limitations of our analytical tools and how to assess PCBs in line with the NEPM.
The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session. We will send a unique access link to registrants on the morning of the event.
If you cannot attend on the day, you can still get the benefit, as the session will be recorded and available to view later.
Therese Manning has more than 30 years of experience in human health and ecological risk assessment with the NSW EPA and as a consultant. She has also been involved in reviewing and developing guidance documents and has provided training in environmental chemistry, toxicology and risk assessment. While at NSW EPA, she was part of the team involved in the remediation of Homebush Bay and the Rhodes Peninsula – the most dioxin-contaminated site in Australia.