ExxonMobil Oil Spill Response Knowledge Transfer Webinar 7

Webinar 7: April 5th, 10-11:15 am Houston time

Dr. Dagmar Etkin (Environmental Research Consulting (ERC)) will be talking about her experiences with interpreting and modeling the patterns in oil spills, including 50 years of spill statistics, analyses of spill response, and spill costs.


The ExxonMobil Oil Spill Response Knowledge Transfer Webinar series is a monthly webinar to allow highly experienced OSR experts to share their knowledge to attendees. The webinar series will provide a platform to communicate, transfer, and preserve OSR knowledge, and to share insights and perspectives from industry, academia, oil spill responders, and other oil spill response experts.


Please note that the webinar series are recorded, and the previous recordings are posted at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5-xnKVew34ZbOGOB_EC7JXSlscXEC7BV.


The webinar series started on Tuesday, August 10 from 9 – 10 am Houston time and continue every first Tuesday of the following months.  We intend to continue the webinars indefinitely depending on response and our ability to schedule appropriate speakers. To receive the link and other joining info, please send an email to Lin Zhao at: [email protected]. Note that there is still room for more participants so feel free to forward this invite to others but ask that potential attendees RSVP Lin Zhao to get on the distribution list.

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