WEBINAR – ExxonMobil Oil Spill Response Knowledge Transfer, “Environmental Effects of Oil in the Sea”, Webinar 21, 3rd October 2023
ExxonMobil Oil Spill Response Knowledge Transfer Webinar 21 EM OSR Knowledge Transfer Webinars will host an Oil in the Sea IV series through the months of June – December, 2023. A sixteen-member committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released Oil in the Sea IV: Inputs, Fates, and Effects in September 2022. This report, the fourth in a series, documents the current state-of-knowledge on inputs, fates and effects of oil in the sea, reflecting almost 20 additional years of research, including long-term effects from spills such as the Exxon Valdez and a decade-long boom in oil spill science research following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The report identifies research gaps and provides specific recommendations aimed at preventing future accidental spills and ensuring oil spill responders are equipped with the best response tools and information to limit oil’s impact on the marine environment.
Guest speaker: Dr. Carys Mitchelmore and Dr. Jeffery Short
Topic of Webinar 21 (October 3, 2023): “Environmental Effects of Oil in the Sea”
Dr. Carys L. Mitchelmore is a Professor at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Solomons, Maryland. Her expertise is in environmental health and toxicology and her research emphasis is on understanding the fate and effects of chemicals and other pollutants on resident organisms. She also carries out toxicity testing and application for risk assessment, regulation and management activities. Dr. Mitchelmore has served on two previous National Academies Studies: the Committee on the “Effects of Diluted Bitumen on the Environment: A Comparative Study (2016) and the Committee on “Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects” and was also a review coordinator for the recent 2020 Committee on “The Use of Dispersants in Marine Oil Spill Response”. Dr. Mitchelmore received her Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham (U.K.) in 1997 investigating the metabolism and effects of organic contaminants, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, to aquatic organisms.
Dr. Jeffrey Short runs the consulting firm, JWS Consulting, in Alaska. Dr. Short began his career in oil pollution research in 1972, working for the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA on oil toxicity effects on Alaskan marine fauna prior to development of the Prudhoe Bay oil field and marine oil terminal in Valdez, Alaska. In investigating the Exxon Valdez spill, Dr. Short led numerous studies on the distribution, fate and effects of the oil over two decades. He also worked on evaluating oil dispersant effectiveness under sub-arctic conditions, and contributed to the oil budget for the Exxon Valdez spill, which provided a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of response measures. Dr. Short received his PhD in fisheries from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in 2006, his MS in physical chemistry from the University of Califronia, Santa Cruz, and his B.S. in biochemistry & philosophy from the University of California, Riverside.
Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://exxonmobil.zoom.us/j/99134219043