Suppliers and Services Directory

Company / Organisation Name: CLEAN NIGERIA ASSOCIATES

Contact Name: Emeka Cyril Ezeaku


Contact Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Phone Number: +2348143028445

24/7 Emergency Number: +2349062873290


Geographic Area of Service: Nigeria

We have established, well equipped and strategically spread Tier 2 oil spill response organization to ensure sustained, effective preparedness and speedy response to members Tier 2 oil spills and to support response to Tier 3 oil spill in Nigeria. We Provide training programs on oil spill response, service & maintain member OSR equipment (approved VIKOMA service Centre.). We conduct OSR process Health check, conduct and/or support research into subjects pertaining to the environment in relation to oil spill management. We also provide necessary advice where applicable on waste management services in relation to oil spill clean-up activities.

  • Contingency planning
  • Response management
  • Capability rating – Tier 1 spill response
  • Capability rating – Tier 2 spill response
  • Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 1
  • Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 2
  • Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 3
  • Offshore oil spill response
  • Onshore oil spill response
  • Pipeline spill response
  • Sorbent boom and other materials
  • Oil spill dispersant application – from vessels
  • In-situ burning
  • Shoreline clean-up assessment technique
  • Response management support
  • Supervision of volunteers
  • Other (Please clarify below)
  • Scheduled spill response training courses
  • Online courses and Webinars

Training Provider (IMO Level 1 -3)
Equipment Maintenace (VIKOMA International Service Center)

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