Established in 1984, the International Spill Control Organization is a not-for-profit NGO with Consultative Status at IMO and Observer Status at IOPC Funds. With members in over 45 countries, ISCO is dedicated to raising worldwide preparedness and co-operation in response to oil and chemical spills, promoting technical development and professional competency, and to making the knowledge of spill control professionals available to IMO, UNEP and other organisations when needed.

ISCO members include the world’s leading spill response contractors, consultants, training providers and manufacturers of spill response equipment and materials. Members also include organisations involved in response planning and management support, spill response R&D, oiled wildlife rescue, oil spill detection and tracking, and many other spill-response-related activities.

Since 1989 (Exxon Valdez), 1991 (Gulf War Oil Spill), 2006 (Lebanon Oil Spill) and 2010 (Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill) ISCO has had a role in the emergency sourcing of urgently needed resources for oil spill combat.

More recently work has been done in making the procedures for sourcing support more efficient and effective.

To facilitate contractual matters, the standard international SPILLRESPONSECON contract is available for use by requesting parties and assistance providers. It can be accessed via the ISCO website at www.spillcontrol.org


1. In emergencies governments and other parties identify urgently required response assets – people with specialised know-how, equipment, and/or materials – and advise needs by email to the ISCO Secretariat. [email protected]  with c.c. to [email protected]

2. Using pre-established electronic networking systems, these requirements will be relayed to ISCO members around the world.

3. Members who are willing and able to fulfil requirements should send their responses by email to the ISCO Secretariat. Members’ responses will be quickly forwarded by email to the designated person nominated by the requesting party.

[NOTE: In order to protect the Requesting Party from being on the receiving end of multiple emails that could compromise vital communications channels, contact details of requesting parities will not be released. Responses from ISCO members may be grouped and will be forwarded by ISCO. Members are under instruction to limit the content of offers to exactly what is being requested and  any offers that are not relevant to what is being requested will not be forwarded. This policy will ensure that the only the Requesting Party can determine which offers of assistance should be followed up by establishing direct contract with the member/s offering assistance]

4. Requesting party then decides on which offers of help it wishes to pursue and will establish contact directly with members who have offered help.
5. Note that ISCO is not commercially involved and will not be acting as an intermediary between the purchasing authority and suppliers of goods / services. ISCO accepts no responsibilities for persons, equipment, materials or services provided by suppliers.


6. When notifying needs to the ISCO Secretariat, please –

a. Include name and email address of person designated to receive offers
b. Give advice on who will pay for goods/services and method of payment
c. Confirm that purchasing authority will arrange for rapid customs clearance
d. Confirm that purchasing authority will at own risk arrange onward transportation to required location
e. In case of equipment provided on a hire basis, confirm that contracting authority will accept responsibility for return transportation cost, making good damages / compensate owner in event of loss or damage beyond economic repair.

In case of need for personnel with specialist knowledge being confirmed, please –

f. Confirm that purchasing authority will arrange for someone to meet them at destination airport
g. Confirm that purchasing authority will arrange for trouble-free immigration (issue of visas on arrival)
h. Confirm that purchasing authority will provide accommodation and local transportation during stay in the country.


7. If you wish to offer the requesting party some or all of the items on the list of needs the designated procurement officer should be given the following information –

i. An itemised list of the required people/equipment/materials/services that you are able to mobilise or dispatch immediately.
j. Current location/s of people/equipment/materials that you can provide
k. In case of personnel, CVs with details of relevant experience
l. In case of equipment, whether it must be accompanied by trained operator/s
m. Earliest possible ETA of personnel/equipment/materials at destination airport.
n. Costs – itemised costs for personnel (day rates), equipment (purchase option and/or contract hire rates) and materials on a non-returnable basis. All items to be priced ex-depot/factory.
o. Mob and demob costs – to/from airport in supplier’s country, air fares, air freight and insurance costs.
p. To facilitate evaluation of offers, all costs should be given in US$.
q. Any other conditions of contract that will be apply. It may save time if you choose to make use of the standard RESPONSECON contract (link provided on the ISCO website at www.spillcontrol.org )

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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