




(1)    X  MEMBERS OF ISCO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE  David Usher (President) Founder of the Spill Control Association of America (SCAA). Co-founder of the International Spill Control Organization (ISCO).  Co-founder of the American Salvage Association (ASA) and Member of the Board of Directors of AMC/Intertanko.  Has been in the spill response profession for over 45 years.  Areas of specialty include emergency offloading of distressed vessels.  Early pioneer in placing spill control equipment in vulnerable areas.   Rear Admiral Michael L. Stacey retired from the Royal Navy in 1979 after 38 years of varied service, when he was recruited into the UK Government to establish and to operate a national oil spill response organisation. He later additionally assumed responsibility for HM Coastguard, and served for three years as the President of the Bonn agreement. Retiring, for a second time, after eight years, he became an international consultant, with especial relationships with Air Atlantique’s proven expertise in the airborne application of chemical dispersant on oil at sea, and continues to be involved with the development of the oil industry response base of Oil Spill Response Ltd.(OSRL) at Southampton. He was chairman of BOSCA (the UK oil spill trade association) for five years, and has written national contingency plans for countries in Europe, the Arabian Gulf and the Caribbean. He is a Younger Brother of Trinity House, a Freeman of the City of London, a member of the Honourable Company of Shipwrights and also of Master Mariners. In support of his favourite charity he is a Life Vice President of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).  Daniel F. Sheehan is a registered Professional Engineer and Consultant on national and international maritime safety, security and environmental protection issues, and is involved in these matters at IMO as a member of the delegation for the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Past experience as a member of the Senior Executive Service includes US Coast Guard appointments as Director of Information and Technology; Director, National Pollution Funds Center; and Associate Program Director, Office of Maritime Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection. He was the first chairman of the Interagency Oil Spill Prevention and Response R&D Committee and has extensive international negotiation experience both as head of and serving on delegations to IMO and UNCTAD. He is a distinguished Senior Fellow of the George Mason University’s Critical Infrastructure Project, a graduate of the University of Maryland (BSc Eng.), a graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and a graduate of George Washington University (MPA). Amongst several other medals and awards, he holds the Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive, the highest award in the Federal Civil Service.  John McMurtrie (ISCO Secretary) is a graduate of Aberdeen University (MA) and a Fellow of the Energy Institute (FEI). He was a Founding Member and is a past Chairman of the British Oil Spill Control Association (BOSCA), which he represented as a member of the Steering Committee for the International Spill Control Organisation (ISCO). He was a co-founder of ISCO and currently manages the ISCO Secretariat.  He is a member of the Supervisory Board of International Spill Accreditation (ISA), a not-for-profit organisation, initially set up to administer the UK Oil Spill Contractors Accreditation Scheme, now involved in establishing similar schemes in other countries with the overall objective of raising industry standards. He is an on-call consultant to the IMO and the UK government’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). He has had experience of advising governments and industry in oil pollution control matters and has a particular interest in helping organisations to develop and implement cost-effective solutions based on resource and cost sharing between stakeholders. He has been involved in oil pollution control for more than 40 years and has substantial international experience.  Marc K. Shaye (Legal Counsel to ISCO) is a graduate of the University of Michigan (BA) and Wayne State University of Law (JD). His practice is specialised in Environmental Law, Natural Resources, and Occupational Health and Safety. He is a qualified Environmental Assessor and has lectured at MSc level on Hazardous Waste Management, He has served with distinction on numerous committees and bar associations, addressing OPA regulations, ASTM standards, OSRO accreditation, Partnership Action Team development, Homeland Security and many other matters. He has presented papers and has had many articles on environmental law and related matters published in learned journals and conference proceedings. For more than 30 years he was General Counsel and Executive Director of The Spill Control Association of America and was the recipient of the 2000 Howard E. Stanfield Distinguished Service Award for outstanding service to the Spill Response Industry. Marc Shaye was Legal Counsel to ISCO from 1983 and continues to advise the organisation.   (2)      MEMBERS OF ISCO COUNCIL



Namig Gandilov is Emergency Response Advisor to BP in Azerbaijan. A more complete profile is under preparation.  BRAZIL  Captain Bill Boyle MNI has spent over 30 years at sea, 22 of which he served as Master in various types of vessels. This included 8 years as Master of the dedicated North Sea pollution control vessels, Forth Explorer and British Shield. He has substantial oil pollution control experience and has been involved in many major international oil spills. In 2001 he joined Alpina Briggs as Operations Manager based in Rio de Janeiro and in 2002 moved to Sao Paulo as Operations Director. Alpina Briggs is an Oil Spill Response Company dedicated to advancing pollution control awareness and co-operation in Latin America. The company has 32 bases at key locations in Brazil with large stockpiles of equipment. Spill risk assessment and pollution control training is carried out in various countries throughout Latin America, including Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay.      CHINA              Capt. Davy T.S. Lau is an experienced Merchant Navy officer with substantial oil pollution response experience. His background includes responsibility as Operations Manager for Hong Kong Response Limited. which was established by the five major oil companies with operations in Hong Kong. In parallel, he was an instructor, conducting navigation classes leading to competency certification. Most recently, Captain Lau has acted as Technical Writer for a local oil spill response company, helping to win a five year government contract for oil spill response in Hong Kong Harbour.  EGYPT   Eng. Ashraf Sabet is a respected figure in Egyptian pollution control circles. He has been with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Marine Transport since 1975 and was responsible for the operation of the Cairo Branch. Many of his former students now hold responsible positions in government. With his long experience in the maritime industry, he has represented Egypt and the Arab Academy at numerous international conferences. He is Chairman and CEO of PESCO a leading pollution Egyptian response company which holds the vice-chair of MOIG, the Mediterranean Oil Spill Group dedicated to advancing regional pollution control co-operation. He took a key role in establishing OSRAM and is the first President of this regional spill response alliance which promotes operational co-operation between leading response companies in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain, and Turkey.  ESTONIA  Torbjörn Hedrenius is Managing Director of Hedro Balti OÜ, an oil spill response company with operations in Estonia, Latvia and Sweden. A more complete profile is under preparation.  FAROE ISLANDS  Pauli Einarsson is Managing Director of Oil Spill Response Faroes P/F. A more complete profile is under preparation.  


 Prof. Harilaos N. Psaraftis is Professor of Maritime Transport at the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He is currently involved in the EU-MOP Project in which NTUA is one of 13 international partners. The project proposes the design and proof of concept of autonomous Elimination Units for Marine Oil Pollution (EU-MOPs), capable of mitigating and eliminating the threat arising from oil spill incidents. The EU-MOP Project is funded in part from the Commission of the European Communities, Research Directorate-General, Sixth Framework Programme. Prof. Psaraftis  has been the CEO of the  Port  of  Piraeus  from  8/1996 to 3/2002.  ISRAEL  Dan Arbel, B.Sc. (Eng.), MBA. Has over 30 years experience in the oil industry of which 12 years were in the environment field. He is involved in marine pollution related equipment, consulting and marketing, and in ground water remediation and sewage biological treatment. Prior to being in the oil industry he was in production management and industrial engineering.  KENYA  Sanjay Gandhi is a Civil Engineer and qualified OHSAS 18001 Lead Auditor who was born and raised in Kenya. He is Director of Nutek Solutions Ltd., a Nairobi-based company providing HSE consulting and support services for clients in the petroleum, manufacturing and service sectors. Before founding his company, Sanjay worked for Chevron in Africa and the USA for 14 years and became deeply involved in oil spill prevention and control. He was author of the Kenya National Marine Oil Spill Response Contingency Plan which has been adopted as a working document by the IMO for Kenya. Together with Dr Andrew Holmes of Shell/BP he was the co-founder of Kenya’s Oil Spill Mutual Aid Group (OSMAG), a grouping of seven major oil companies who invested in equipment and response preparedness training. As a specialist in incident investigation and root cause analysis, he has delivered lectures in Africa and several overseas countries.      LUXEMBOURG 

Joe Braun is Managing Director of Environmental Services Europe s.à.r.l. A more complete profile is under preparation.


Dr Assilzadeh Hamid  was born in Iran in April 1967. He graduated from Gachsaran Azad University in Applied Chemistry in 1991. In 1993 he obtained his master degree in Chemical Oceanography from the Tehran Azad University. His research in his master study was on oil pollution measurement in seawater and sediments using FTIR and UV Florescence instruments. He proceeded to do his PhD in the Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Oceanographic Research at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2002. His study was on application of satellite image and GIS for oil spill monitoring and contingency plan for the Straits of Malacca. His project awarded numbers of scientific prizes. He preceded his research from 2002 to 2005 at the Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA) in University Putra Malaysia for construction of integrated systems for oil spill monitoring and contingency. Since 2002 he joint to Cilix Corporation Sdn. Bhd as executive manager and worked as leader for National Disaster Data and Information Management System (NADDI) and Malaysian Airborne Remote Sensing (MARS) projects. His research interests are radar applications, geomatic systems, chemistry and oil spill.  NIGERIA  Chief Kola Agboke, an experienced Petroleum Engineer with over 35 years service in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry, is the Chairman and CEO of Marindus Holdings Ltd., the parent company of Salvesen Pollution Services Nigeria Ltd. and Marine & Industrial Services Nig. Ltd. Chief Kola’s companies serve Nigerian industry, including oil and gas (both offshore and onshore), providing oil and chemical spill response contingency planning, training, emergency response, spill management, response equipment sales and environmental consultancy services. He was a pioneer of oil pollution control in Nigeria and keeps up-to-date by attending major international conferences and other events worldwide. As a former employee of Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) he served on government panels to raise standards of oil industry E&P practice in the Niger Delta in conformity with government regulations. He was also been extensively involved in technology transfer throughout the Nigerian Petroleum Industry and has served on government committees, advising on pollution control and environmental matters. Chief Kola was one of the first members to join the re-launched ISCO and strongly supports the organisation’s objectives.    NORWAY  Jan Allers is Managing Director of AllMaritim AS and has had a lead role over many years in organising the NOSCA oil spill response seminars in Norway. A more complete profile is under preparation.   SINGAPORE  Chris Richards – Originally at sea with BP Tankers, Chris Richards has now been in the Oil Spill business for more than 20 years, having started as an Operator at what is now OSRL (then BPOSRB) in Southampton, UK in 1982.  Shortly after returning from the response to the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska in 1989, Chris moved on to spend 4 years managing an Oil Spill Response Centre in Dundee, Scotland on behalf or BP Exploration until returning to OSRL for a 2 year stint as Training Superintendent in 1993.  Chris then briefly left the world of oil spills to run an emergency response training centre in the Philippines until 1996, when he returned to the fray by taking over the management of a commercial response centre in Singapore, SOSRC (Singapore Oil Spill Response Centre), part of a marine salvage company (Semco).  Both SOSRC and Semco are now part of the world’s biggest port operator, PSA, and Chris’ role has greatly expanded as one of Semco’s Senior Managers and includes marine salvage operations (as Salvage Master), HSE, Quality and Security Management of the whole company and and integral role in the operational management of Semco’s Fleet of ocean going Tugs and Offshore Vessels.  SOUTH AFRICA 

Anton Moldan is a marine biologist by training with much oil spill response experience. He was employed by the South African Department of Environment Affairs for 20 years where he was responsible for managing the country’s oil spill response function. This included the development of the national oil spill response strategy, the compilation of local oil spill contingency plans, the compilation of a national coastal sensitivity atlas, acquisition and maintenance of a national oil spill response equipment stockpile and the co-ordination of response activities during spill incidents. For the last 10 years he has held the position of Environmental Adviser to the South African Petroleum Industry Association where he is involved in the coordination of the oil industry’s environmental management practices which includes the coordination of the industry’s combined oil spill preparedness and response activities. He has been involved in the compilation of national oil spill contingency plans in other African countries as well as the promotion of regional agreements.


TURKEY  M. Kerem Kemerli is Vice President of MEKE Group of Companies and has been involved in his family’s oil spill response business since 1997. He has an MSc in civil engineering and an MBA degree. Because of Istanbul straits’ dangerous and heavy traffic, he has benefited from opportunities to gain experience through involvement in several oil spills. Before this, he worked for 7 years as the General Manager of a multinational French Chemical Company’s subsidiary in Turkey. He has authored papers on chemical incidents and oil spill response. He speaks French and English. Mr. Kemerli is a president of SESMEKE, which is a joint venture of SEACOR and MEKE. SESMEKE is the BTC pipeline Turkish section oil spill response contractor and has a team of 70 people on 24 hour stand-by at 4 bases along the 1,076 km pipeline. He is also a board member of TUDAV, the Turkish Marine Research Foundation ( and a founding director of OSRAM, the regional (Mediterranean) spill response alliance which promotes operational co-operation between leading response companies in Egypt, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain, and Turkey. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES             Dr Ali Saeed Al Ameri is Chairman and Managing Director of a number of companies in the UAE and GCC countries. His wide-ranging business interests include oil and gas services, management consultancy, training and development. His PhD is in Management and Organizational Culture and he is a qualified specialist in adult training, combining theoretical and practical aspects of management. He has been extensively involved in the Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies Research and has arranged conferences, symposia and lectures, generally concerned with promoting educational and scientific development of the UAE. Dr Ali has a special interest in pollution control and strongly believes in the aims and values of ISCO. UNITED KINGDOM             Rear Admiral Michael L. Stacey retired from the Royal Navy in 1979 after 38 years of varied service, when he was recruited into the UK Government to establish and to operate a national oil spill response organisation. He later additionally assumed responsibility for HM Coastguard, and served for three years as the President of the Bonn agreement. Retiring, for a second time, after eight years, he became an international consultant, with especial relationships with Air Atlantique’s proven expertise in the airborne application of chemical dispersant on oil at sea, and continues to be involved with the development of the  oil industry response base of Oil Spill Response Ltd.(OSRL) at Southampton. He was chairman of BOSCA (the UK oil spill trade association) for five years, and has written national contingency plans for countries in Europe, the Arabian Gulf and the Caribbean. He is a Younger Brother of Trinity House, a Freeman of the City of London, a member of the Honourable Company of Shipwrights and also of Master Mariners. In support of his favourite charity he is a Life Vice President of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).  UNITED STATES             Dr. Manik Sardessai serves as a Vice President of Technical and Environmental Affairs and Director of Training of Detroit, Michigan, USA based Marine Pollution Control (MPC) Corporation.  He is responsible for developing both in-house and client training programs, including development and oversight of all course content and compliance with applicable local, state and federal regulations and delivers instructions in 40, 24, and 8 Hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HazWoper, CFR 1910.120) courses, DOT, Incident Command Systems (ICS), and Chemistry classes.  As a Faculty, he has taught both undergraduate and graduate level courses at Wayne State University, U.S.A. and University of Saskatchewan, Canada. At MPC, he is responsible for all elements of Corporate Health and Safety Program, including the development and enforcement of Site-Specific Health and Safety in support of emergency operations and scheduled projects. He provides Technical Advice on Chemicals; use, handling, recovery, transport, remedial procedures and actions, and supervision during emergency response involving chemicals. He also develops compliance policies and related Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  Dr. Sardessai’s education includes a Master of Science degree from Bombay University and a Ph.D. in Chemistry (Pharm.) from Wayne State University, USA.  He is trained in nuclear, biological and chemical response at US Army School, Fort McClellan, Alabama. He has published over thirty publications in reputed journals and in abstracts and posters form, and has delivered invited presentations both nationally and internationally. He has been a member of the technical Support Team, Wayne County Emergency Management in Michigan.  Since 2002, he has been a member of Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) (USCG, USA).  



 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

 Alpina Briggs Defesa Ambiental S/A  Antipollution International Environmental Protection Services Ltd.  Antipollution SA  Bos Umberto & C.  Eco Environmental Consultants  Eco Equipments Inc.  Environmental Services Europe  Fast Engineering Ltd.  Lamor Corp.  Marine Pollution Control Corp.  Meke Marine Environmental Protection Services Ltd.  Miller Environmental Group Inc.  Oil Control Systems NL  Oil Pollution Control South Africa  Spilltech Energy Co. Ltd.  Tuzla Aritma Ltd.  


(4)  INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF ISCO  Hector Bell  John Cantlie  Versha Carter  Jörg Doolin  Mark Francis  Dr. Gerald Graham  Guobin Li  Duncan Lyon  David Main  Capt. M. R. Ozyabasligil Helena Rowland  Paul Slater  Keith Solomon  



DG & Hazmat Group

International Association of Hazardous Materials Technicians International Spill Accreditation Association

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