Action Programme

ISCO’s first priority was achieved when, at the end of 2007, ISCO was recognised by IMO as a NGO with Consultative Status.

Similar application will be made to other relevent international organisations

Work will be completed on the ISCO web site, making it a user-friendly source of information and assistance to members

Work will be progressed on the creation of the ISCO member database which will provide information on member capabilities to IMO, ITOPF and other organisations

Correspondence work groups will be set up to progress ideas and projects – for example, how ISCO members in different countries can have a role in “homeland security” measures

Useful downloadable material will be collated for inclusion in the web site members’ area – useful forms, templates, protocols, safety procedures, and reference data for use in spill control operations.

Other ideas suggested by members with the objective of ensuring that ISCO is the best source of practical help to its members.

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