
To act as a world forum for professionals involved in spill control and related disciplines.

To represent ISCO members, providing a single contact point between members and the IMO, other agencies of the United Nations, other international and regional organisations, national governments and other groups.

To support the activities of the International Maritime Organisation and to promote the dissemination of its work.

To represent ISCO members in the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee and its technical working group on OPRC and the OPRC HNS Protocol implementation.

To disseminate information on the prevention, mitigation and remediation of oil and hazardous materials spills into the environment.

To provide assistance to members seeking to develop their knowledge base and build expertise in spill control and related disciplines.

To promote the maintenance of high professional and ethical standards.

To assemble and maintain up-to-date information on the resources available within the membership of ISCO, including the special expertise that ISCO can contribute to the imo and other organisations.

To undertake other activities that can enhance effective international co-operation and efficiency in major spill events calling for co-ordinated international response.

To encourage in various countries and regions the formation of national or regional associations.

To influence the establishment of testing facilities, and to encourage common standards for equipment and materials used in spill control.

To support the work of the international spill accreditation organisation in raising professional standards in the spill response industry.

To sponsor or organise conferences, exhibitions and conferences for the benefit of members.

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