If you haven’t yet visited the site  http://www.oilspillsolutions.org  you are strongly recommended to do so now.

For more than 30 years the creator of this site has responded to some of the worlds largest oil spills from oil tankers, offshore platforms, pipelines onshore and offshore and carried out training courses and consultancy work for the oil industry and government agencies in over 50 countries. This experience has been applied in developing a comprehensive source of knowledge and practical experience that will be of benefit to all who work in oil spill response.


The creator of the site says “It has taken a few years to put the site together and it is an ongoing thing.


My first thoughts were that when ever there was a spill there is so much misinformation for the public to access so a site with good reliable information and links to places where more reliable information can be found would help in getting the real story out there for them to read. There are many personal opinions and anecdotes in the sections to give it a human rather than a text book feel. It is also a useful tool to those within the oil spill community and those who are thinking of joining or have just joined”.


The address of the site has been added to the LINKS page of the ISCO website and is also in the Technical & Reference Section at  



The owner of the Oil Spill Solutions website invites ISCO Members and other readers of the ISCO Newsletter to join by registering on the site.

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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