Benefits of Membership

  • Being part of a worldwide community of professionals who share a common interest.
  • Receipt of requests for emergency provision of resources for spill response assistance.
  • Free access to RESPONSECON contracts that you can use – speeding up contractual arrangements for mobilisation of spill resonse resources, with positive implications for protecting your cash flow.
  • Keeping up-to-date on events, developing technologies, new legislation and other matters of mutual interest.
  • Identifying opportunities for providing new products and services needed to meet new challenges.
  • Practical help in building incident response capacity and competence enhancement.
  • Negotiated membership discounts on attending conferences, workshops, and training courses.
  • ISCO provides a link between National and International Government agencies, Industry, the Scientific Community, Research and Development and Spill Responders to the issues of today and the trends leading to the future.
  • ISCO publishes a weekly Newsletter which compiles for you a comprehensive look at current news in the environment. This will save readers many hours a week of scanning, browsing and searching for all the news that matters and puts it in your inbox every week.
  • ISCO facilitates the collective voice of our members concerns addressing regulation and best practices in our industry. ISCO members are a dynamic network of resources to each other and a link to the environmental needs of the world.
  • Through ISCO, having a voice in the drafting of new legislation that will affect our area of interest.
  • Opportunity to participate in ISCO work groups developing new projects, ideas and guidelines.
  • Networking with other members, sharing experiences, discussing problems and helping find good solutions.
  • Ensure that you are listed in ISCO’s International Directory of Supplies and Services. All member entries automatically link directory users to members own websites.
  • Identify opportunities to develop alliances and technical partnerships with other members as a means of fast-tracking response capacity building.
  • The right to display the ISCO logo on your headed notepaper, brochures, etc to denote that you are part of an international organisation dedicated to improving worldwide co-operation and preparedness.

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