As announced in last week’s ISCO News, the Executive Committee is considering how to increase funds needed for running the organisation and moving forward with its work programme.  With the cost of membership remaing very low (for example. individual membership is still only £65/year), it has been proposed that readers of the ISCO Newsletter who are not members should be asked  to give their support by becoming members if they want to continue to receive the free newsletter.

The Executive Committee has asked members of the ISCO Council (National Representatives) for comments on the proposal and several responses have already been received –


• Brazil – Mr John Cantlie “You have my full support on this matter and I totally agree what you are saying, I’m sure the membership numbers will increase”. • Canada – Dr Merv Fingas “An excellent idea – there are so many people getting the newsletter now and it is the only good one out there” • India – Capt. D. C. Sekhar “I read about the issue of raising enough funds to meet the costs. I empathize with the problem but do not have a definitive view on the solution. I would suggest keep the newsletter free of cost, in the interest to reaching out to more people and grow.  If you charge, many may drop out quietly and such people may speak up now.  Perhaps this reduced circulation may be offset by some good collections, but I am sceptical about that outcome.  I am fine with whatever you decide finally. To meet revenue needs you could consider offering banner advertisement space in the newsletter to response industry”.  • China (Hong Kong) – Captain Davy Lau “Yes, I support your proposal to ask non-member reader for a fee.  And I have a few potential readers from my contacts in Hong Kong areas. Once the plan is confirmed, I will approach them on behalf of ISCO, please let me know in due course”. • Australia – Mr John A. Wardrop “Just a quick note to say that yes, I support restriction of the Newsletter to paying members of ISCO.  It’s progressed way beyond the 1-2 pages that it was when it first came out and must be a lot of work to put out”. Responses from other members of ISCO Council are awaited.  The ISCO Council is composed of the National Representatives of ISCO members in many of the 45 countries where ISCO has members.  Members of Council are consulted and give their advice to the Executive Committee on important policy issues.  You can find the countries currently represented and the names of Council Members on the last page of this Newsletter. Members in some countries have not yet elected their own representatives on the ISCO Council and it is therefore open for readers to express their own views by writing to the Secretary – [email protected]

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