The Agenda of the International Forum on Group V (Non-buoyant) Oils to be held in Detroit, USA on 9-10 September 2014 will include the matter of dealing with Petroleum Coke spillages during handling and transportation.

This is a subject of concern in all areas of the world where Petcoke is being produced, stockpiled or transported.

Although a solid hydrocarbon by-product of oil refining, Petcoke, like Group V (Non-buoyant) Oils, will sink if spilt during loading/unloading operations or as a result of a shipping or other transportation incident.

The Forum will not be concerned with taking sides in issues between community groups, operators and regulators but will instead focus on the practical matter of cost-effective spillage recovery.

Currently ISCO is compiling a mailing list of individuals and organizations who would like to be kept informed on progress as the detailed plans for the International Forum are firmed up.

If you would like to receive updated information on the International Forum  please drop an email to [email protected]

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