About ISCO

Mission Statement – ISCO (International Spill Control Organization) aims to raise worldwide preparedness and co-operation in response to oil and chemical spills, to promote technical development and professional competency, and to provide a focus for making the knowledge and experience of spill control professionals available to IMO, UNEP, EC and other 

ISCO is a not-for-profit organisation incorporated in London in 1984 and dedicated to improving world-wide preparedness for response to oil and chemical spills.

Through its Consultative Status at IMO, ISCO gives the spill response community a voice and input to the work of IMO in safeguarding the marine environment.ISCO also holds Observer Status with the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds), giving practical advice on best international practice on oil pollution response.

Through its involvement in IMO and IOPC Funds, ISCO alerts the spill response community on new developments, some of which present opportunities for ISCO members.

ISCO is contributing to the work of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR), collating information on experience in response to HNS spills and to Subsea Oil Recovery. The emphasis is on the collation of experiences, problems solved and lessons learned by spill responders – information that is often not published or presented at conferences. This information will be valuable in the drafting of new response guidelines and manuals. Contributors have an incentive to contribute to this work because their inputs will be acknowledged, raising individual or company profiles with governments, oil and shipping industries, insurance interests and others. ISCO is also contributing to the IMO International Offers of Assistance (IOA) initiative and the International Inventory of Oil Spill Response Resources.

ISCO is committed to supporting IMO’s Technical Co-operation Programme, finding qualified individuals who can help third world countries to implement OPRC and other conventions. Day rate, travel and subsistence costs are payable to selected candidates.Sourcing help –Spill scenarios are often unique – presenting very specific problems and requiring innovative approaches or application of methodologies that aren’t in the textbook. ISCO has the contacts that can help you to quickly find the expertise or specialised equipment you need to find in a hurry.ISCO encourages co-operation between spill responders and can help members find the right partner with complementary skills and know-how to meet new challenges.ISCO assists governments and other organisations in sourcing emergency support and resources in major pollution incidents.

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