Oil Spill Science and Technology, Second Edition, delivers a multi-contributed view on the entire chain of oil-spill related topics from oil properties and behaviors, to remote sensing through the management side of contingency planning and communicating oil spill risk perceptions.

Completely new case studies are included with special attention to the Deepwater Horizon event, covering the impacts of wetlands and sand beaches, a mass balance approach, and the process for removing petroleum chemicals still trapped near Alabama beaches. Other new information on lingering oil left behind from the Exxon Valdez spill, the emergency system used in the Prestige incident, and coverage on the Heibei Spirit spill in Korea are also included.

Key Features
Updated with new chapters on risk analysis and communication, contingency planning, restoration, and case studies
Supported with technological advances evolved from the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil tragedy and events in the Arctic/Antarctic
Multi-contributed from various industry experts to provide an extensive background in technical equipment and worldwide procedures used today

About the Author  
Mervin Fingas has over 40 years of experience in oil and chemical spill research. Previously, he was Chief of the Emergencies Science Division of Environment Canada for 30 years. He has authored over 875 technical publications including books, manuals, and 500 peer-reviewed papers. He has won over 20 awards for research and papers from the United States Government, Canadian Government, and international conferences. Dr. Fingas has collaborated on studies with over 25 organizations around the world, coordinated studies for over 30 years through 6 internationally attended committees and developed co-operative projects with many international groups. Dr. Fingas has a PhD in Environmental Physics from McGill University, three Masters degrees in chemistry, business, and mathematics – all from the University of Ottawa, and a BA in Arts from Indiana.

Dr Fingas is the Member of ISCO Council for Canada. Thanks to Ann Hayward Walker, President, SEA Consulting Group, for alerting the ISCO Newsletter to this new publication. SEA Consulting Group is a Corporate Member of ISCO

More info on this pubication is available in Issue 570 of the ISCO Newsletter

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