ISCO launches new Free Corporate Membership Benefit

ISCO is launching a major new benefit in the form of FREE advertisements for our Corporate Members. This takes the form of free advertisements in the ISCO Newsletter.

Each ad will provide “one click” facility for viewing the Member’s website

The new ads will be introduced gradually depending on uptake of the new benefit.

The ISCO Newsletter goes out every week to companies involved in servicing the pollution response industry in about 60 countries worldwide. Government agencies, oil companies, port authorities, and  many others also use the Newsletter as a key source of information. The new ads will be regularly be seen by a very large number of potential purchasers of the featured products and services

To find out more about how to get your free advertisement, please email Mike Watson at [email protected]

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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