

Please scroll down the page to view company information. 

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Alpha Briggs Mediterranean Ltd.

AlphaMERS Pvt. Ltd.

Alpina Briggs Defensa Ambiental SA

Amergent Techs Inc.

Antipollution Environmental Protection Services (Greece)

Antipollution SA

ASCC Group (Netherlands)

Braemar Howells Ltd.

Briggs Environmental Services Ltd.

Briggs Marine Environmental Services Ltd.

Casco Consulting Group

Castalia Consorzia Stablile SCpA

Clean Caribbean and Americas

Clean Sea SA (Argentina)


Eco Environmental Consultants

Eco Strategic Consultants

Environmental Protection Engineering SA (Greece)

Hidroclean Servicos Maritimos SA

International Environmental & Marine Services

JVZ Response Inc.

For 30+ years John Zimmer was employed by the Mobil Oil Corporation and the ExxonMobil Corporation, with experience in storage terminal operations, transportation logistics, regulatory affairs, as well as emergency preparedness and response. His employment has also involved support of global emergency preparedness and response activities. He served as a member of the board of directors of OSRO, Marine Spill Response Corporation (2008-2016) and Clean Caribbean & Americas (2002-2006). John Zimmer now operates an emergency preparedness and response consulting business. He has designed and directed training and exercise throughout the U.S and internationally at Asia/Pacific area, Europe, and Latin America/Caribbean locations.

Kaku Professional Engineers Ltd.

KBKM & Associates

Lamor Corporation

Leadership Indonesia PT

Marine Pollution Control Corp.

Maritim Miljo-Beredskap AS

Mark K.Shaye

Meke Marine Environmental Protection Services Ltd.

Midlinx Consulting Inc.

National Response Corporation (NRC)

Neocos Consulting Ltd.

Oceanpact Servicos Maritimos S.A. (Brazil)

Ocean Pollution Control (Panama)

Odun Environmental Services

Oil Pollution Control South Africa

Orbital Earth Observation Solutions

Polaris Applied Sciences Inc.

Pelagic Solutions Ltd., Belize

Penstock Solutions (UK)

SEA Consulting Group (USA)

Seer Associates Pty. Ltd.

SeaHow Meritaito Ltd

Sigma Environmental (UK)

S L Ross Environmental Research

Swire Emergency Response Services

T & T Environmental Technologies

Tulip Environmental Services

Varichem de Colombia

Verde Remediation Services Ltd.

Viraj Clean Sea Enterprises (P) Ltd.

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