The 11th Session of the IMO OPRC-HNS Technical Group (TG11) meets in London over September 20-24. The ISCO delegation, which includes ISCO President David Usher, ISCO Secretary John McMurtrie, Rear Admiral M. L. Stacey and Dr Douglas Cormack will be joined by Dr Wierd Koops, Head of the research department of Maritime, Marine and Environment and Safety management of the NHL university of applied science. Dr Koops is also a member of the joint ISCO-ISAA international working group on developing accreditation standards for HNS incident response and will be making a presentation at TG11 on a new computer-based model for support of marine HNS incident response. Dr Cormack will also be presenting a paper on Independent Training and Accreditation of Private Oil and HNS Spill Response Contractors

During the week after TG11, the 61st Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) runs from September 27 through to October 1. 

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