Over the last months a great deal of work has been done to refine and further develop the criteria and process under which individuals in the spill response industry can gain professional recognition.




ISCO President David Usher has said “This fills a long felt need and will help meet the aspirations of many in the industry who have long felt that their qualifications and experience should be recognised. The creation of professional memberships will encourage all who are making a career in the field of oil and chemical pollution control to take pride in their chosen profession”.


Students, apprentices and trainees can join ISCO as student members and pursue a career development path that, as qualifications and experience are gained, can lead to eligibility for Associate Membership (AMISCO), Membership (MISCO) and, eventually, Fellowship (FISCO

All who have the relevant qualifications and the required level of experience can apply for Professional Membership of ISCO. The organization offers independent validation and integrity. Each grade of membership reflects an individual’s professional training, experience and qualifications. Academic qualifications are not a requirement if applicants can demonstrate the necessary levels of competence through their experience, skills and professional development.


You can learn more about Professional Membership by clicking HERE  and if you visit the ISCO website at  you can find more about the assessment criteria, code of conduct and other matters, and download an application form. Select Membership on the menu on the left hand side of the page, then go to Professional. You should also look at the pageClasses of Membership  Applications will be assessed by the Membership Standards Committee upon payment of a non-refundable Assessment Fee (see under Subscriptions)


The Membership Standards Committee will process applications at quarterly intervals and the cut-off date for receiving the first batch of applications is 31 December 2012.  Priority will be given to individuals who have already indicated their intention to apply for Professional Membership of ISCO.


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