REAR ADMIRAL M. L. STACEY, C.B. (17/12/12)

It is now five months since Michael Stacey, a member of the ISCO Executive Committee and one of our most stalwart supporters, suffered a serious stroke.


I’m sorry to report that, owing to set-backs due to infections, he is still in hospital.  The good news is that he hopes to be discharged early in the New Year. He is continuing his physiotherapy to build up his strength and help to improve his speech. He is well in himself and remains as ever, alert to what is going on in the world and retains his sense of humour. When he leaves hospital he will go to the Pax Hill Nursing home at Bentley, Surrey, GU10 5NG for some respite after the long stay in hospital, and of course to be with his wife, Penelope.  Michael is very keen to get out of hospital and is looking forward to mastering his I pad and getting back into the world of e-mail.


I am sure that members and readers will join in sending Michael our very best wishes.



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