Forum 2014

Date September 9-10, 2014

Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority Building
130 Atwater
Detroit, Mi 48226

The International Forum on Group V (non buoyant) Oils provides an important opportunity for professionals from the international response community, private sector, government, and non-governmental organizations to come together to discuss and examine the challenges that come with increased production, storage and transportation of these type oils.

The Response Community will present the latest in spill prevention, response and recovery techniques with the latest technologies available for sinking oils. This Forum is ideal for government agencies, contractors, researchers, industry, and other stakeholders to work together to meet the objective of insuring our respective communities that safe handling and best practices are being employed through the panel discussions, presentations, research and lessons learned from case studies from around the world.

The International Spill Control Organization (ISCO) is a not for profit organization celebrating 30 years of supporting the spill response industry.

Read the Press Release here

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