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Michael Rancilio, ISCO’s Event Manager for the International Forum being held in September 2014 has just issued the following press release. Readers who are involved as editors of publications, such as magazines, technical journals, newsletters, etc. are kindly requested to help publicize the Forum by printing this Press Release.

“Sinking oils (Group V Class C/D) including oil sands, Dilbit, Bitumen, Lamp Black and other non-buoyant oils have a specific gravity of > 1, which is heavier than water and, if spilt, will submerge or sink in water making recovery and clean up much more difficult.  

There has been a dramatic increase in the exploration and drilling efforts of these type oils in the US, Canada, Europe and throughout the world.This production increase presents unique challenges to the oil and gas industry and regulatory communities in the storage and transportation of these oils including tankers and barges, pipelines, rail and over the road tankers. The Spill Response Industry is faced with augmenting “traditional” Spill Preparedness, Detection/Surveillance, Response Tactics, Recovery Methods and Techniques to meet the characteristics of sinking oils in the environment.

The International Spill Control Organization (ISCO), celebrating its 30th Anniversary, announces the presentation of the “International Forum on Group V (Non-buoyant) Oils to be held 9-10 September, 2014 at the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority located at 130 Atwater, Detroit, MI 48226.

The Forum is open to all interested parties. The event is endorsed by: USCG, NOAA and OSG, Sponsors to date : Marine Pollution Control Corporation, ISCO and others to be announced.

The Forum will present expert analysis from the oil and gas industry, multi regulatory community, the scientific community, and spill responders with the most up to date counter-measures and equipment available and to be developed. It will offer excellent opportunities for exchange of best practices in meeting the challenges of these type oils and in networking with other professionals.

In addition to speaker presentations and panel discussions, a table-top exhibition area will be included as part of the event”.

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