Emerging Concerns: The International Forum on Group V (Non-buoyant) Oils
9-10 September 2014 Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority Building 130 Atwater, Detroit, MI 48226
The International Spill Control Organization, Sponsors and Management and Program Committee have issued an industry-wide call for participation. The Forum covers the following general aspects of the Group V (non buoyant) Oil issues:
Program Objectives and Outline
This Forum intends to explore multiple aspects of spill response for Group V classified oils, emerging production of oils such as Bitumen and Dilbit with the potential for sinking, and other heavy oils known to sink.
The platform and presentations are structured to facilitate better understanding between the various parties making up the response community so that each discipline can ascertain from others the importance of how they intersect in relation to regulatory issues, scientific issues, production and transport, spill preparedness, spill management and spill response.
Track One: Regulatory Rulemaking Updates
A. OSRO Classification and Group V Oils
B. Response Plans and Group V Oils
C. OPA 90 – New Trends in Transport – Rail and Pipeline Issues
Track Two: Fate and Behavior of Group V Non-Buoyant Sinking Oils
A. Properties of Group V Oil and Submerged Oil Releases
B. Emerging Issues of Potential Sinking Oil: Oil Sands, Dilbit and Bitumen
C. Explore the different environments at risk
Track Three: Storage and Transport issues (maritime, pipelines, rail and trucking)
A. Trends in Transport: Rail and Pipeline
B. Risk Mitigation and Spill Response Planning
C. Industry Safeguards
D. Community Information Programs
Track Four: Detection and Surveillance of Non-Buoyant Sinking Oils
A. Submerged Oil Detection Techniques
B. Existing and Emerging Technologies and Practices
Track Five: Group V Response Preparedness
A. Group V Oils and Response Planning on the Regional and Local Level (Area Contingency Plans)
B. International Agreements and Cooperation
C. Interagency Issues
Track Six: Group V Non-Buoyant Sinking Oil Spill Response:
A. Spill Management
B. Response Strategies and Counter-Measures
C. Submerged Oil Containment Techniques
D. Recovery Methodologies for Submerged Oils
E. Equipment and Materials Available for Group V Sinking Oil Response
F. Case Studies
All submissions should:
• Be objective and include practical and impartial information.
• Identify primary and contributing authors.
• Indicate the topic or focus most appropriate for the presentation.
• Submit to : [email protected]
The Abstract Submission due date is June 30, 2014.
You will receive email confirmation when your submission has been received. Speakers will receive notification as to acceptance or non-acceptance as soon as possible after papers have been reviewed by the programme committee.
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Forum.