Dr Rebecca Coward ITOPF

Dr Rebecca Coward Small

Dr Rebecca Coward is Technical Advisor at the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) and is based in London.

Dr Coward joined ITOPF in 2010 with six years’ experience in aquatic pollution investigation, a first degree in Marine Environmental Science and a PhD which involved the development and testing of antifouling technology on algae, crustaceans and macro-invertebrates.

Since joining ITOPF Rebecca has attended thirteen international oil spill incidents in order to provide advice regarding impact mitigation, effective clean-up techniques, finish points and appropriate monitoring studies.

She has also presented at a number of well-known international oil spill conferences and facilitated numerous exercises and workshops. Rebecca is a member of the HNS working group and has provided remote advice on many occasions regarding the levels of concern associated with chemical cargoes lost overboard and HNS specific incident response.

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