Message received from Greg Hall on 25 September – “It is with great excitement that we announce the availability of the 2014 IOSC Online Proceedings. As many of you know, several years ago IOSC undertook a project to move the entire text of the IOSC Proceedings, since the inception in 1969, into an electronic format which is now available online to anyone for free. Each article and poster in the collection has its own electronic identity and can be cited and searched for through online databases. The 2014 edition represents the first time we have engineered the online Proceedings into the fabric of the conference from the beginning of the planning process”.

To view the online proceedings click on  

“In addition to viewing the online proceedings please make sure to check out our recap video of the 2014 International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC)! This video captures a series of interviews with participants talking about the value, importance and evolution of the IOSC over the years. It also highlights the advancements in oil spill technology, the spill response community that it supports, and IOSC’s global reach and impact. That video can be viewed at” 

Read the complete text of this announcement from IOSC click on  

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