Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline clean-up and Oiled Widlife interventions
The POSOW 2 project officially kicked off on 1st January 2015. Funded by the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (DG ECHO) and coordinated by Cedre, this 2-year project also involves REMPEC, ISPRA, FEPORTS (Instituto Portuario de Estudios y Cooperacion de la Comunidad Valenciana, Spain), AASTMT (Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt) and DG-MARINWA (General Directorate of Maritime and Inland Waters, Turkey).
POSOW 2 is a follow-up to the project POSOW 1, run in 2012 and 2013 and also funded by DG ECHO. The main aim remains to reinforce the knowledge and skills of volunteers involved in spill response in the Mediterranean area, by developing training materials and manuals and by running training courses.
Following the issues of volunteer management, oiled shoreline assessment, oiled shoreline clean-up and oiled wildlife response addressed in POSOW 1, this follow-up project is set to cover the themes of waste management and assistance to fishermen involved in response on water. These two themes will be the focus of guides, posters, PowerPoint presentations and train-the-trainer manuals, produced in English by Cedre and FEPORTS respectively. All the materials developed during POSOW 1 and 2 will then be translated into Turkish by DG-MARINWA and into Arabic by AASTMT.
The second year of the project will focus on training. Firstly, two 4-day train-the-trainer courses, on the 6 POSOW themes, will be organised at Cedre with cooperation from REMPEC, ISPRA and FEPORTS for 42 future trainers.
The participants will be from civil protection departments, local authorities and NGOs in 7 southern Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey. The trainers trained will then be tasked with running an initial national pilot training course in their own respective countries, drawing on the materials available in their language.
The participants trained at Cedre or in the countries targeted by POSOW 2 will be recorded in the database developed during POSOW 1, which already lists 276 people trained during POSOW 1 in the 8 target countries at the time: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia and Spain. For further information and for free downloads of the many training materials developed during the projects POSOW 1 and 2, please visit the website
This information reproduced here with acknowledgement to Centre de Documentation de Reserche et d’Experimentation sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux (CEDRE)