Some time ago a suggestion was made that a free one year “student membership” be made available for students, apprentices and trainees.

The idea was discussed at our recent AGM in Amsterdam and was unanimously approved by all present.

These awards would be made to individuals upon recommendation of training organisations and companies undertaking internal training programmes.

The intention is to encourage young people who show promise and interest in making a career in the spill response industry.

Professional Membership of ISCO offers individuals a career path with an option to progress towards higher levels of professional recognition. Nominated individuals will receive a Certificate of Student Membership and be able to access technical information such as spill response tools, manuals, response guidelines on the ISCO website. They will also receive the ISCO Newsletter which has an educational role and be able to seek additional help and advice from other members via the ISCO Groups facility (currently under construction)

Lecturers at training establishments and relevant managers at companies that carry out their own internal training are invited to nominate candidates for a free one year trial student membership of ISCO. Please send an email to [email protected] with names and email addresses of the candidates you wish to recommend.

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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