TUESDAY 16th MAY – Presentation on the new RESPONSECON Standard Contract for Spill Response and Reception being hosted by ISCO, Spill Control Association of America (SCAA) and Association of Petroleum Industry Cooperative Managers (APICOM)
A presentation on the new International Spill Response Contract will place at 5 pm on Tuesday 16th May in room 101A in the IOSC Convention Centre. The presentation to an invited audience will be given by Mr Tony Paulson, Director of the West of England P&I Club and Chairman of the joint ISCO-BIMCO Working Group. If you would like to attend please contact the ISCO Secretariat.
Work on the development of the contract is now virtually complete with publication expected in Summer, 2017. Participants in the WG have included not only representatives of ISCO and BIMCO but also those of the International Group of P&I Clubs, ITOPF, ISU, the Spill Control Association of America and other interested parties. A wide consultation exercise has also been conducted with other stakeholders.
The availability of the new International Response Contract will complement other initiatives designed to improve spill response mechanisms, including the recently published IMO Guidelines for International Offers of Assistance and ISCO’s Emergency Assistance facility for rapid sourcing of response resources.

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