As we are in process of upgrading the ISCO website, it makes good sense to remove members who are no longer interested and have apparently taken a decision not to maintain their memberships. Please be aware that this process will be commenced from 15th October 2020.

ISCO has always been reluctant to take the drastic step of removing delinquent members who have ignored subscription invoices, always preferring to send out reminders and allow more time. However, Mary Ann Dalgleish, VP (Membership) and other members of the management team need to correct the work balance between their day jobs and the unpaid work they do as volunteers on the ISCO team.

Removing lapsed members from the Roll of Members of will make a significant difference – Chasing up overdue payments takes a lot of time, often made more difficult because members don’t always pass on updated contact details for sending invoices.

Termination of Membership does have consequences –

•            You will not be advised of emergency requirements for spill response support services, equipment and materials.

•            Your access to the members’ area of the ISCO website will be disabled

•            Your directory listings with hyperlinks to your company website will be removed.

•            You will not be accorded any priority in newsletter editorial content concerning new products, services, and company news.

•            You will lose your right to display the ISCO logo on your stationary and promotional materials

•            You will no longer be eligible for discounts negotiated by ISCO on behalf of its members

ISCO welcomes lapsed members who decide to re-join. This way they can preserve their access to all the membership benefits, including delivery of the ISCO Newsletter. To re-join, just click on

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