Letter to members – 9th February 2021

Dear Members,
Appointment of ISCO Secretary

As you will be aware ISCO Secretary Matthew Sommerville at our December 2020 AGM announced his intention to stand down after 3 years from the role of Secretary, although he will still be an active supporter of ISCO to concentrate on other projects.

We are pleased to announce that Mr Neil Marson has expressed interest in taking on the role and has been supported in this and has been duly selected and approved by the Chairman and Executive Committee as the successor to Mr Matthew Sommerville.

For those who don’t know Neil.

Over a career spanning more than 30 years he has worked both in government and private industry including extensive operations management, national contingency planning development and involved in the design and presentation of training courses, notably for HM Coastguard, European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and oil majors. He has served as Country Manager Egypt for Briggs and as Senior Consultant for assignments in Libya, Kazakhstan, Qatar, and India.

He has recently retired from his last role as Regional Manager in charge of the Briggs Caspian Regional Tier 2 Oil Spill Response Base in Baku, Azerbaijan where he has been stationed since 2013. In this last he was responsible for and supported by a Team of 50 skilled professional Oil Spill Responders, and 65 Fire-Fighters and working on behalf of several International clients in support of their oil and gas exploration and production projects. Additional duties included the provision of Crisis Management and Oil Spill Response Training to external organisations within the Region.

Given the restrictions of Covid 19 we will not be able to meet physically with Neil to congratulate him in the new role with ISCO but will pass the baton virtually and publicly in the next scheduled ISCO Zoom meeting on 25th Feb.

The Chairman Dave Usher proposes that in recognition of his support of ISCO and valuable service as Secretary Mr Sommerville be elected as an Honorary Fellow (Hon.FISCO) of the organization.

With best regards

John McMurtrie
[email protected]

14th December 2020

Dear Members of ISCO,

I hope to see many of you at the upcoming Online AGM being conducted on Zoom. Please find below the instructions for joining the Meeting.

20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST. Friday 18th December 2020 07:00 AEDT Saturday 19th December 2020

Because of Coronavirus restrictions it will be a “virtual meeting” held using Zoom All are invited to join ISCO’s 2020 Annual General Meeting but only Members can vote. If you haven’t used Zoom before, you will need to download a small piece of software in advance of the meeting time at – https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting

There is no cost involved in using Zoom and joining the meeting.

You can join the meeting by simply clicking on the following link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82706703871?pwd=NnU2d3Z6aUlqM2R6N2NaYVpOelJ6QT09

Just click this link shortly before the meeting start time and wait for the Meeting to start
The Meeting will be chaired in Detroit by Mary Ann Dalgleish, ISCO VP (Membership).

The Agenda and other information has also been published in ISCO Newsletter 766

With best regards
John McMurtrie
pp. Secretariat

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