Since our last Zoom meeting there has been quite a lot of correspondence between members of the “Way Forward” group – to try to keep you all “up-to-speed” on what has been going on, some progress reports have been sent to members of the group. Mary Ann Dalgleish will host the meeting. The link for joining the meeting is at –

Topics to be discussed will include –

1.  Change of Secretary position from Matthew Sommerville to Neil Marson

2.  Removal of members who are not in compliance. 

3.  Reaching out to potential new members, through articles in Newsletter and LinkedIn

4.  New platform for communication between members

5.  Add ISCO information to LinkedIn

6.  Update website information

It is expected that the meeting will focus on progress being made by the “Way forward Group”. Non-members of the group will be able to join the meeting which will be open for all members and other interested parties. During the meeting ISCO Secretary Matthew Sommerville will be “handing over the baton” to his successor, Neil Marson who will be become the new Secretary of ISCO on 25th February 2021.

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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