Welcome to New Student Members

Thank you completing and submitting our application form. We are pleased to welcome you as a new Student Member of ISCO.

As you have joined under our special arrangement for students/apprentices/trainees you will enjoy a free trial membership and there is nothing for you to pay at this time.

We look forward to your participation and hope you will find your membership useful, including our weekly newsletter and the availability of technical information in the Members’ Area of the ISCO website.

You are now able to access the Members’ Area of the ISCO website. You can set up your own account on the website by clicking on this link – http://spillcontrol.org/registration/

If you complete the form on this page your user profile will be set up and you will then be able to log into the website and access the members’ area. The website log-in button is located at the top of the home page www.spillcontrol.org

Please note – When entering your User Name you cannot use things like £ $ & @ It has to be just numbers and letters.

Appended below is a “standard” letter with information that is sent out to all new members. You should ignore those parts of the content that are not relevant to new members who have joined under our student membership scheme.

On behalf of the ISCO Secretariat, our very best wishes for success in your studies.

John McMurtrie

Dear New Member,

Welcome to Membership of ISCO. This is a “standard” letter with quite a lot of information. It is recommended that you keep a copy for your future reference.

Your application to join ISCO has been approved and I look forward to welcoming you / your company to Membership of ISCO. All our internal processes for completing your membership will only be progressed after payment of your first subscription – this precaution has become necessary because we have been receiving time-wasting membership applications from some companies and individuals who had no serious intention of completing the joining process.

Your Membership Certificate will be prepared and sent to you via air mail upon receipt of your first year’s membership subscription.

As a Member of ISCO, you have the right to access the Members’ Area of the ISCO website where you will be able to find a large number of operational guidelines, technical articles and other useful information. 

After your joining procedure has been completed you will be able to set up your own account on the website by clicking on a link that will be sent to you after you have made your first subscription payment.

If you complete the form on this page your user profile will be set up and you will then be able to log into the website and access the members’ area. The website log-in button is located at the top of the home page www.spillcontrol.org

You will receive ISCO’s weekly Newsletter which I hope you will find useful and interesting. Please remember to let me know if your email address changes in order that the mailing list can be kept up-to-date.

In addition please provide names and email addresses for any of your colleagues that would be interested to receive the Newsletter. 

Additional information for your guidance is listed below.

I look forward to your participation in the activities of the Organisation and hope you find your membership will be of real benefit in your professional and business life.

With best wishes,

Neil Marson, Secretary General   [email protected]\


Objectives of the Organization – You can find these on the website at http://spillcontrol.org/home/objectives

Terms and Conditions of Membership – These can be found on the ISCO website at www.spillcontrol.org

Use of the ISCO logo – All Corporate Members in good standing (annual subscriptions paid up-to-date) are entitled to reproduce the ISCO logo on their websites, company brochures, headed notepaper, etc. to denote that your company is a member of an organisation dedicated to improving response preparedness, encouraging technical development and raising professional competency.

Emergency Assistance – Corporate Members and Industry Partner Members will receive forwarded emails received from governments, requesting parties and other entities who are seeking emergency resources in support of response to major pollution incidents. See http://spillcontrol.org/emergency-assistance. To ensure receipt of forwarded emails it is vital for you to notify the Secretariat immediately if the contact person and email address listed in our mailing list requires to be updated. Please notify changes by email to [email protected]

Professional Membership of ISCO

The International Spill Control Organisation (ISCO) has introduced classes of professional membership that recognise the qualifications and experience of spill responders and others in the international spill response community.

ISCO President David Usher said “This fills a long felt need and will help meet the aspirations of many in the industry who have long felt that their qualifications and experience should be recognised. The creation of professional memberships will encourage all who are making a career in the field of oil and chemical pollution control to take pride in their chosen profession”.

You can find out more about Professional Membership under “Membership” at http://spillcontrol.org See under “About Professional Membership”, “Application Form”, “Code of Conduct”, Assessment Guidelines”, Appeals Policy” and “Complaints Procedure”.

Helping Students/Apprentices/Trainees in their professional development – 

Membership of ISCO offers individuals a career path with an option to progress towards higher levels of professional recognition. Nominated individuals will receive a Certificate of Membership and be able to access technical information such as spill response tools, manuals, response guidelines in the Members’ Area of the ISCO website. They will also receive the ISCO Newsletter which has an educational role and be able to seek additional help and advice from other members. 

Availability of free “student membership” for students, apprentices and trainees. These awards are made to individuals upon recommendation of training organisations and companies undertaking internal training programmes. The intention is to encourage young people who show promise and interest in making a career in the spill response industry. 

Lecturers at training establishments and relevant managers at companies that carry out their own internal training are invited to nominate candidates for a free student membership of ISCO. Please send an email to [email protected] with names and email addresses of the candidates you wish to recommend.

ISCO Newsletter – The ISCO Newsletter is read every week by over 5,000 professionals in about 65 countries. All members (and nominated members of their staff) receive the weekly ISCO Newsletter free of charge. The addressee on the mailing list is usually the name of the person who completed the original Joining Form at time of joining the organization.  Members (other than Individual Members) can request the addition of their colleagues to the mailing list – a subscription form is provided at [email protected] 

If at any time you find that you are no longer receiving the ISCO Newsletter it may be because –

  1. The email of the addressee has changed or is no longer valid (for example if that person has left the company)

You can correct this by notifying the Secretariat and advising an updated contact person and email address.

  1. Your computer is labelling the incoming newsletter email as “spam”.
  2. Your Internet Service Provider is blocking receipt of the newsletter

To correct non-delivery for reasons (2) or (3) you will need to ask your IT person to take appropriate action.

Corporate Members and Industry Partners are encouraged to recommend to their employees that they add their names to the Newsletter mailing list. The Newsletter subscription form is at www.spillcontrol.org 

Annual Renewal of Membership – In order to maintain your membership status and benefits you must pay the invoice for your annual subscription promptly. Subscriptions are invoiced annually on each anniversary of the date on which you first joined. If you do not receive an invoice it may be because the contact person and email address held by our Membership Director is not up-to-date. To avoid being removed from the Register of members for non-payment of dues, you should advise the Secretariat of the correct contact information for invoicing. To avoid problems, we prefer to send invoices to the “Accounts Payable” department within your organization and to be able to quote a purchase order reference where applicable. Our Membership Director is Mary Ann Dalgleish and you can contact her at [email protected]

RESPONSECON free standard emergency response contracts 

 Members providing emergency response to spill events (contracting to mobilise response resources) can find and download the ISCO-BIMCO standard contracts – go to www.spillcontrol.org and click on Contracts

The RESPONSECON contracts were developed in order to speed up spill response by creating a standard internationally recognised contract for spill response that would avoid the delays that arise from prolonged contract negotiations.

The RESPONSECON Contracts have application for both MARINE and ONSHORE spill response.

The Contracts were drafted by a project sub-committee representing industry and chaired by a representative from the International Group. They conform to the International Group of P&I Clubs’ Guidelines on Vessel Response Contracts. 

RESPONSECON is tailored for international use, whereas US RESPONSECON is specifically for use in the United States. Terms and conditions are set out in standard clauses with accompanying annexes for the parties to insert detailed descriptions of the required services and rates for personnel and equipment. Both contracts are available free of charge from BIMCO’s website, subject to “Conditions of Use”. 


1. The Editor has sole discretion over what is accepted for publication

2. The Editor reserves the right to edit press releases

3. Information in press releases must be factual and free from sales hype and exaggerated claims

4. Members of ISCO are given priority over non-members in allocation of editorial space.

5. Subject matter of press releases must be relevant to the interests of the spill response community

6. Space availability for printing press releases is limited and they should be kept short

7. If a press release is too long only part of it will be printed but a link can be included for downloading its entirety

8. Links for downloading additional information or viewing video material can be included

9. Depending on space availability press releases may be included in the next issue or held over for a future issue

10. The placing of press releases is usually allocated within sections as follows –

PEOPLE IN THE NEWS – Announcements of new appointments, retirements, honours, awards, etc. relating to senior people in a company or organisation.  Photos should be included.

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY – Reserved for technical content relating to new developments that represent a significant technological advance – photos, diagrams, etc. should be included.

CASE HISTORIES – Welcomed for publication subject to educational content criteria. In publishing case histories the objective is to pass on experience and lessons learned that will be of interest to other professionals in our community. There is a benefit for contributors because publication of case histories raises the profile of the company concerned.

NEW PRODUCTS & SERVICES – Announcement of the launch of a completely new product or service. Photo/s usually provided.

NEWS FROM ISCO MEMBERS – News about new activities / products / services. Change of address, phone numbers, etc. Staff appointments. Award of a major new contract.  Other news of significance concerning the company or organisation. 

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE – For corporate members only – to assist in disposal of equipment that is surplus to requirements.

MEMBER PROFILES IN THE ISCO NEWSLETTER – For corporate members only – For a contribution of £200 to ISCO funds publication of a one page company profile.  Restricted to one profile a year only per member.  Only one profile will be printed in any issue of the newsletter.


The ISCO Newsletter has in the past published excellent serialised articles on such matters as inland spill response, aerial observation of oil spills, in-situ burning, etc. by respected experts including Dr Merv Fingas and Mark Francis. The editor is always looking for more interesting articles. If you think you can contribute an article, please get in touch with [email protected]

Disseminating news about new technical developments is of value to our community. Corporate Members and others are invited to contribute articles. 

You editor is also interested to receive interesting case histories for publication. Dealing with spill events often requires an innovative approach and you are invited to share your experiences.


Members and other readers are invited to help rectify the balance of world news reporting. News stories from North America, UK, Australia, etc. are much more accessible on the internet than reports from other parts of the world and especially from non-English-speaking countries. To make it easier for readers in other parts of the world to contribute stories your editor is considering options to include links for interesting articles in other languages. 

If you come across a report or an article that you think worth sharing with other members of the response community, why not send it to the editor at [email protected]  If not in English language, please include a short introduction in English to introduce the submitted item.


Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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