We regret to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances the ISCO AGM which was planned to take place on 15th December 2022 will be postponed until early in 2023.

This has became necessary to make some significant changes to the draft Agenda and Meeting Papers. The revised documents will be circulated by email to members as soon as possible and the new date will be posted in the ISCO Newsletter when available.

This postponement will also allow additional time for Members to put forward items for discussion at the AGM. Please forward these to [email protected]

Members are also reminded that they can, at any time, propose discussion topics for the monthly Members Meeting (contact Nary Ann Dalgleish at [email protected] ) and also request topics for inclusion in the ISCO Newsletter (contact the Editor at [email protected]).

Do you have an interesting story for the ISCO newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected] with the details.

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