Keep Silt & Sediment Out of Storm Drains – Water from wet concrete cutting, power washing, landscaping and other outdoor activities sends silt and sediment straight to the nearest storm drain. From there, it can build up and pollute waterways. Capturing sediment on land is faster nd easier than digging it out of drain traps or outflows.
Halen Hardy has submitted an informative article that describes Five Construction General Permit (CGP) SWPPP Solutions.

“Technologies and Best Management Practices (BMPs) continually emerge and improve. This constant state of progress is a great thing when it comes to improving the quality of our nation’s waters. It’s also one of the reasons why the Clean Water Act (CWA) tasks the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with reviewing and renewing the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit (CGP) every five years.

Between permit cycles, EPA collects comments and proposals from various stakeholders, identifies changes and modifications to state permits, and reviews information from other sources when considering which permit clarifications and additions to propose and adopt for the next five-year cycle. In 2022, nine additions and 21 clarifications were made to the existing 2017 Construction General Permit (CGP).

The federal EPA issues NPDES permits in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Mexico as well as US territories (except the Virgin Islands,) Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Tribal Lands, and for federal projects in certain states. In the other 47 states, permitting occurs at the state level.
Whether you’re getting ready to submit your next Notice of Intent (NOI) or looking for some new BMPs to strengthen your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), focusing on these five areas can help you improve your operations and prevent pollutants from leaving your construction area” Continue reading this article

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