249 Microbial diversity and oil biodegradation potential of northern Barents Sea sediments

Chen S.-C., Musat F., Richnow H.-H., Krüger M. (2024) Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 146, pp. 283 – 297,  DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2023.12.010

ABSTRACT: The Arctic, an essential ecosystem on Earth, is subject to pronounced anthropogenic pressures, most notable being the climate change and risks of crude oil pollution. As crucial elements of Arctic environments, benthic microbiomes are involved in climate-relevant biogeochemical cycles and hold the potential to remediate upcoming contamination. Yet, the Arctic benthic microbiomes are among the least explored biomes on the planet. Here we combined geochemical analyses, incubation experiments, and microbial community profiling to detail the biogeography and biodegradation potential of Arctic sedimentary microbiomes in the northern Barents Sea. The results revealed a predominance of bacterial and archaea phyla typically found in the deep marine biosphere, such as Chloroflexi, Atribacteria, and Bathyarcheaota. The topmost benthic communities were spatially structured by sedimentary organic carbon, lacking a clear distinction among geographic regions. With increasing sediment depth, the community structure exhibited stratigraphic variability that could be correlated to redox geochemistry of sediments. The benthic microbiomes harbored multiple taxa capable of oxidizing hydrocarbons using aerobic and anaerobic pathways. Incubation of surface sediments with crude oil led to proliferation of several genera from the so-called rare biosphere. These include Alkalimarinus and Halioglobus, previously unrecognized as hydrocarbon-degrading genera, both harboring the full genetic potential for aerobic alkane oxidation. These findings increase our understanding of the taxonomic inventory and functional potential of unstudied benthic microbiomes in the Arctic. 

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