263 Assessment of parent and alkyl -PAHs in surface sediments of Iranian mangroves on the northern coast of the Persian Gulf: Spatial accumulation distribution, influence factors, and ecotoxicological risks

Ranjbar Jafarabadi A., Riyahi Bakhtiari A., Moghimi H., Gorokhova E. (2024) Chemosphere, 358, art. no. 142176, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142176

ABSTRACT: Spatial patterns, potential origins, and ecotoxicological risk of alkylated (APAH) –and parent –(PPAH) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in mangrove surface sediments along the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf, Iran. The mean total concentrations (ngg−1dw) ∑32PAH, ∑PPAHs and ∑APAHs in sediments were 3482 (1689–61228), 2642 (1109–4849), and 840 (478–1273), respectively. The spatial variability was similar among these PAH groups, with the highest levels occurring in Nayband National Marine Park (NNMP). Physicochemical environmental factors, such as sediment grain size, and total organic carbon (TOC) contents, are significant factors of PAH distribution. These findings suggest that PAH pollution level is moderate-to-high, supporting the current view that mangrove ecosystems are under intensive anthropogenic impacts, such as petrochemical, oil and gas loads, port activities, and urbanization. Non-parametric multidimensional scaling (NPMDS) ordination demonstrated that NNMP mangrove is the critical site exhibiting high loading of PAH pollutants. Here, for the first time in this region, Soil quality guidelines (SQGs), Toxic equivalency quotient (TEQ), Mutagenic equivalency quotient (MEQ), and composition indices comprising Mean maximum permissible concentration quotient (m-MPC-Q), and Mean effect range median quotient (m-ERM-Q) methods were used to have a comprehensive risk assessment for PAH compounds and confirmed medium-to-high ecological risks of PAHs in the study area, particularly in the western part of the Gulf, highlighting the industrial impacts on the environment.

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